Thursday, November 27, 2003

Hi everyone,

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday.

I applied for my grad program this morning. It was so quick and easy it was like I placed an ecommerce order for some electronics goodies. Heh. It cost like one too ;)

So I was looking at my grade transcripts from grad and undergrad. I can't believe it - I must have blocked it or something, but I was a shite student in undergrad. Let's just say that I wasn't failing all of my classes, but I wasn't acing them either ;)

Anyway, even though my academic career wasn't the greatest, I wouldn't have traded my years at Michigan for anything in the world. I know I sound like a cheesy college brochure, but it's so true. I especially loved the lifestyle that I had.

Grad school was much better, probably because I was a litlte bit more interested in what I was doing. This upcoming program should be pretty good as well. I hope I get in :)

So let's see, Thanksgiving. I actually did not have any turkey today :) It was a turkeyless holiday. By choice of course.

Drew's parents didn't end up coming down from NJ to see him this weekend, so we ended up hanging out for a large part of the day. It was nice. My parentals went to a neighbor's house for dinner (that's where they are now), so everything worked out groovy.

Today I had this breakfast buffet thing that totally hit the spot for me. I've always been tempted by belgian waffles, but have never wanted to eat a whole one. Then there's the choice - Strawberry syrup or apple? Do you really want to commit to eating an entier waffle with one topping? Decisions, decisions. So I ended up having two quarter pieces, one with (you guessed it) strawberry and one with apple. Then I had the other breakfast goodies that I craved. A most satisfying meal, to say the least.

We also saw the movie Elf. It was pretty good, if you like Will Ferrell. It was nicely done. There may have been a little too much Will in tights for some to stomach though ;)

Alas, it's back to work tomorrow. I guess I've traded my day after Thanksgiving and Christmas for my other holidays :)



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