Sunday, June 27, 2004

Day at the Show

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

It's the last day of vacation. Tomorrow it's back to work, and back to school. And back to bitching about school. :)

This will be my first online course at the school. And I'm dreading it already. Seems like there's weekly busy work, on top of the stuff that I will have to do for the class. Hopefully my other (live) class won't be as painful. It will probably be though. This is rumored to be one of the most difficult semesters.

On my last day of freedom, I went to a ricey car show that was in a nearby city. It was like a scene out of the Fast and the Furious series of movies, just on a smaller scale. Lots of boomin' music, revving of engines, squealing of tires, the smell of gasoline, hydraulics, swank paint jobs, nice vinyl graphics, and of course lizzadies.

My conclusion?

People spend a lot of money on their cars.

I got to see real davin spinning rims, along with some other nice rims (both spinning and non). Got some great pics, going through two digital camera batteries :)

I'll be sure to post the pics later.



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