Saturday, July 24, 2004

Random product reviews.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.  Another perfect day weatherwise.  Made me long for a convertible.  I was giving the evil eye to people that had convertibles but didn't have their tops down.

Not much to say this evening, but I have a couple of product revies:

Doritos - Guacamole flavor
Pretty tasty, as long as you get them straight from the bag.  If I just saw them sitting around, I'd mistake them for moldy chips - Seriously.  If mold could grow on chips, I think that's what they'd look like.

Off brand, Listerine mouthwash - Orange flavor
I was interested to see how one could get a clean feeling mouth with a citrus flavor.  Interestingly enough, the orange concoction has really taken the bite ouf the stereotypical "mediciney" taste commonly associated with Listerine products.  The weirdest thing is, the first time I smelled it (and consequently every time I use it), it reminded me of that "Orange Drink" that came in those McDonalds red and yellow cooler / juice dispensers (remember those) that we used to get after various school functions.

That's all for today, folks.

I'll be seeing the pregnant L on Sunday so I have to get all my schoolwork done tomorrow (Saturday).




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