Thursday, September 09, 2004

Like a kid starting summer vacation - But in the fall.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well today.

I just finshed my classwork for the semester. I had my final for my database class yesterday, and I just submitted my essay and labs for my online class.

So I'm done! For 2 weeks! Woopee!

So now what? ;)

I'm going to Disneyworld! Just kidding. But we are trying to get to the state though.

Ahh, the trip to Florida. This will surely be a trip that Geneman and I will never forget. And we haven't even left yet!

This whole tropical storm thing is starting to get on my nerves.

I've looked at this map quite a few times today. And I will probably continue to do so all throughout tomorrow as well. Tomorrow is the actual go / no-go date (it's pretty much the last day before we leave).

Come on, Mother Nature. Cut me a break. Hook me up.

According to the trusty map, good ol' Ivan should be rolling in while we're trying to get the hell out of dodge on Monday - So there's a change that we may be stuck in Florida on our way back.


I've been advised not to go - But in my stubborn way, I really want to go. Not because I've been strongly recommended not to go - More because I've had my heart set on going for the last 3 weeks. I've been looking so foward to this trip. That's what's been getting me through the days. And those neverending meetings.

I want to feel the sand under my feet and rub it between my toes.
I want to hear the rolling waves.
I want to smell the sea.
I want to see everything.


I called the hotel and the airlines today to find out what the dilly was. Northwest won't issue any weather waivers for our destination until the last minute, and I got the lowdown on the evacuation procedures for our hotel.

Just lovely.

I guess I'm more in it for the adventure now - For the uncertainty, I think. Besides, it'll make for good stories when I'm hanging out with my friends.



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