Tuesday, September 07, 2004

You would feel heavy too, if you had 2 double A's in your butt.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening. It's nice and cool again! Love it.

Yesterday I finally got to spend some quality car care time with the supafly ride - I did the 2 step wax process. And today, after driving it out of the garage (and getting out to get the paper), both times I had to stop and admire. I had forgotten how much of a difference a good coat of wax can do for a car.

Especially the 2 step wax.

So let's see, what's been going on.

Somehow, my brother has infected me with computer mouse mania. I was perfectly fine with my Optical Mouse Blue. Perfectly fine. So then he regales me with stories about his mouse adventures. How he's purchased probably like 10 (ok, maybe more like 5 or 6) in search of the perfect mouse for gaming or some other geeky type of activities.

Not that I'm a gamer :)

Anyway, so in my typical "thrifty" fashion, I just shake my head and just let him go on his journey auditioning the mice like they're on American Idol.

So the first one's always free.

Yup. He sends me one of the disqualified applicants: The 4th generation IntelliMouse Explorer - apparently it was not up to his stringent specifications.

So I get this thing and it's rather large (the mouse). I'm not one to overcompensate, but seriously, I think I'm going to get carpal tunnel just from using this thing. Of course, after a little adjustment, it's fine. As a sidenote, I've been using the 1st generation Explorer for many years (since people at work bought it for me back in the dot com days). In fact, I still use one at work.

OK, so all's well in mouseland, right?

So then my brother ventures off into the next level:


Again. I'm thinking - what do you need a cordless mouse for? I didn't see the value add until someone in my group (in the other building) had one. There it was. Just a mouse, but no tail.


I think my brother went through a few renditions of his own with cordless mice - He's got the best one that's rated by gamers or something like that.

So of course, I had to get one. The moral of the story is, I finally broke down and bought one a couple of weeks ago - And I just got it today (it had been on backorder).

I am now the proud owner of a Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer.

Again, a little change. It's heavier (hence the first line of the blog entry), but it is just as advertised. Works like a dream.

My only complaint so far is that they're taking away all of the bling - No more visible red light in the butt. Nor does the whole bottom light up (like the first optical mice did).

Apparently, the sensor light goes off after a while. But similar to a refrigerator light, you never really know that it goes off. You just have to trust.

Trust is key.

OK, so that's it. No more mice for me.

Until the next time... Because you know what's next - Lasers.



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