Saturday, September 04, 2004

6 hours of shopping - And all I got was one shirt.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

Today my mom, dad, and piled into the soccer mom mobile and went out to the outlet mall about an hour or so away. Everyone and their brother was going up north (along with construction) added a little to the time, but wasn't too terribly painful.

Total time shopping including travel time had to be around 6 hours. And all I bought was one shirt.

Good for the wallet I guess.

It was not the optimal day for an outdoor mall shopping experience - It was a tad hot and humid, and there were quite a few people around so it made parking and getting around more difficult than normal.

Oh well, what can ya do, right?

I am enjoying my first day of freedom in a while. I'm going to take the day off tomorrow as well. Come Monday, I'll be studying for my database class final...




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