Sunday, August 29, 2004

Fast week, fast weekend.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

This weekend flew by as quickly as the week did. I can't believe tomorrow's Monday already.

So for the first time ever, I am going on my own vacation. Not staying at anyone's house, not visiting anyone. Gene (my traveling buddy) was thinking about coming down one weekend in September to visit - but for an extra 20 bucks, he would be able to fly down to Florida. And it would only be about $140.00 for me. Plane tickets are dirt cheap, letmetellya. But we're playing weather roulette. Here's a link to the weather in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Aren't those little rainclouds lovely?

Now we see the clearance deal on the Florida airline tickets :)

As an added bonus, we're in the middle of hurricane season... Woopee!

So it's either going to be a trip out to Florida to experience hurricane season firsthand (because looking at the poor weatherpeople outside being whipped by howevermanymileperhour winds is not real enough), or we'll be kicking it on the beach, where the biggest worry is when to reapply the sunscreen.

All is not gloom and doom though - A few of the live MTV shots ouside of the Awards Show (it was in Miami this year) made the place look like it was sunny.

So please, cross your fingers (and whatever else) for me.

Also, please send some positive thoughts my way. Thanks.

If it must rain, all I'm asking for is one day of nice weather (preferably Sunday, but I'll take what I can get).

Sooo, hopefully with a little luck on our sides, in two weeks, Geneman and I will be chilling poolside and remembering to put on sunscreen.

It's going to be an odd next few weeks, with the holiday and vacations coming up. I can't wait.

As Geneman was saying in his blog, he's trying to buff up to look good on the beach. I was inspired (plus, I didn't want to look tubby next to him since he's taller and skinnier) I worked out for the first time in what seems like months. (probably since school started for this semester).

Oh, so back to the landmark experience - I'm sure it's not a big deal to most people, but it is for me. This is my first spontaneous vacation, completely self-funded, and is something that I've always wanted to do - Just go somewhere sunny and relax on the beach.

It's also my own reward for passing the halfway point (the point of no return) of my degree!

(pat pat)

2 weeks left!



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