Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Hey you, what's that sound?

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening. Just a short note before going to bed.

So everytime I hear that new Eminem song on the radio, I purposely switch the station. Not because I don't like the song, but I figure if I ration my listens, I won't get sick of the song super fast. Especially since the radio stations are already playing it to death. I hear it 2x a day on my travel to and from work.

So I just don't get the weird Pee Wee Herman sound clip that they play during the song. I get the Lose it part, but it's such an odd clip. And you can't really sing along to it either. But that sound - I can't even imagine how you'd make it.

Not that I've secretly tried.

But like when people are at the clubs and whatnot, do they sing that part when the song's playing? That Un uhh uhh uhh uhh! part? Or do they just let the music play?

I can just picture these gangsta thug life types chillin in the club making the noise.

Un uhh uhh uhh uhh!

(takes sip of Cristal)

Who knows.


P.S. If you're wondering why the first line sounds familiar, it's actually taken from a 90s rap tune. Know what it is? Give up?

It's Skee-Lo's only hit song "I Wish".

Major bonus points if you know that one :)


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