Monday, March 21, 2005

Life imitates art. Or something.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

Where does the time go? It's almost midnight again.

This weekend was one of the busiest I've had in a while. My brother Mark (yes he does exist) was here for about a day and a half. We were able to hang out for a bit in between hanging out with parents and family that had come to visit.

It's really too bad that I don't see my brother more often - But the powers of the internet and mobile phones definitely make the distance seem a lot shorter.

While we were hanging out at the city home and talking, Mark made reference that if we lived closer together, we'd be like the two Crane brothers in the TV show Frasier.

Well, not exactly like, but similar.

Although I wasn't sure who was Niles and who was Frasier.

Maybe it'll happen one day - but the whole uprooting and settling down somewhere else for either of us is kind of unrealistic at this time.

But it would be cool to just do the famous "drop by" or just chill and do nerdy stuff.

On a more fun note, he'll be back here in 2 weeks for a bonus visit. It'll be a 2 to 3 day visit this time.

We had to leave for the airport Sunday morning at 4:30 a.m. Which was totally brutal. I came back home, slept, did my final, and then went out to dinner with Ali - who I haven't seen in what seems like a year. We had dinner at the outdoor mall. It was super good.

And our server lady was cute and had a very high pitched voice.

Fast forward to today...

I always find it funny when people that have annoying traits say certain things (of other poeple) are annoying. It's like they have a low tolerance for things that annoy them when they themselves do things / have traits that are annoying to others.

Make sense? ;)



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