Sunday, August 21, 2005

The best way to make decisions.

Hi all,

Hope you had a nice weekend. Next week this time I should be hanging out with JDO in D.C.

So this evening I was at Target doing some light shopping...

I had one of those "damn kids" moments that I never thought I would ever have in a million years. I took the last 12-hour allergy / cold medication pill this morning so I was going to get another pack this evening. Well, ever since some kids figured out how to make recreational drugs out of over the counter drugs, Target (and other stores) no longer keeps them out on the shelves - Now you have to take this plastic card (from where the drugs used to be) up to the pharmacy counter.

Of course the counter was closed on Sunday night. Grr.

Sure it gives me an excuse to go back to the store, but still.

Damn kids - They screw things up for everyone.


I was poking around the toy aisle when I saw a young kid staring at these two Hot Wheels cars that he had picked out. He was staring at them very intently. As I got closer, I saw that he was pointing at them, back and forth.

Eeenie eenie miney moe...

It's nice to know that the very classic tried and true method of making decisions still valid and has not gone away with the recent generation.

I'll be sure to try that next time.



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