Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Ghetto guitar.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

I've finally taken one of the first steps and am signed up to start guitar lessons in 2 weeks. For 8 weeks I will be honing my musical skillz and trying to play acoustic guitar like John Mayer or Dave Matthews.

Well, at least aspiring to play like them.

What's up with the DMB video for Dreamgirl? Is it a little creepy / mildly disturbing for you too?


On the dream front, I've been having these weird random flashbacks this past week or so.

Of women in my past.

Usually this has meant that it was of the X. But this time it's totally not. It's really quite weird. I just wake up knowing that I've seen them.

There's been two:
  • One was a lady from grad school-ish time - Didn't really date per se. But I dreamt that I was somewhere (like the movies or the mall or something) and she saw me. I could hear her talking to whoever she was with (I think it was a dude), saying that she knew me but didn't want to say hi.
  • The other one was a girl that I knew at caomp - (this is going waaaay waaaay back). A very rated G summer camp "girlfriend" if you will. The funny thing was that I met her at umich however many years later. Unfortunately there was no real context of dream setting, just woke up that morning thinking that I had seen her.



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