Saturday, January 28, 2006

Door number 2

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

No matter how much clever pre-planning I do, no matter how well I construct sentences in my head to use later, it just never comes out right.

I think a 5th grader could have approached the topic better.

Taking my own advice, I asked the question that's been weighing heavily on my mind as of late.

I really didn't want to - there just never seems to be that "perfect moment." Plus, I'm a total wuss when it comes to asking the real questions that matter in relationships.

But I had to eventually take my own advice. I recently told someone that when you do stuff (especially when it comes to relationships) you have to do the things / make the choices that won't make you say, "I wish I would have done..." when you look back.

I was really enjoying what I had. But typical human nature, I wanted more.

I wanted to see what was behind door number 2.

I never got a response. I'm not sure I ever will. Inside, I'm pretty sure I already know the answer.

Nobody can say I didn't try, right?



At 9:32 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

props for being honest. there really isn't much more that you could have done.


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