Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Attack of the garbage can

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

Last night I was driving home, I got attacked by a garbage can. Not a plastic household curbside garbage can - It was one of those big steel "hey let's start a bonfire in one of these garbage can" cans.

I was driving home last night and all of a sudden, I saw it in the middle of the road. I swerved to avoid hitting it but apparently I didn't totally avoid it. I clipped it on the driver side door jamb so it scraped the hell out of my car and took the trim piece with it.


So today I gobbed some touch up paint on it (it's actually become touch up paste because it's old) to prevent the car from rusting on the bare patches- I figure It'll buy me some time until I figure out what to do in the summer time when it's a little bit warmer.

It kind of looks like a paint scar now.

A battle wound, if you will.



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