Wednesday, November 20, 2002


Just a short blog entry today. It's getting late and I have a client meeting tomorrow...

It's pretty neat to see how images can evoke certain emotions. No, I'm not talking just about porn. I'm talking about any type of imagery in general. Today I was looking for a new computer desktop background and was looking through some automobile websites for some nifty images to use. Some looked classy, sporty, outdoorsy, etc. I ended up choosing a very cool Jag S-type image. Looks pretty fly.

Tomorrow's another dress up day (sigh).

It's been ood. During these past night, I've had recurring dreams of people that have been in my past. Friends, Xs, etc. I know people dream all the time, but I usually don't remember my dreams unless I'm sick. I don't think I'm ill...



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