Friday, November 22, 2002

Oh yeah, forgot to mention -

I'm scared that I've visted Costco at least 4 times within the past 7 days. No, a cute young lady does not work there (not that I know of, at least). But I've just been going there a ton as of late. I actually have to go back sometime again to return the thing I bought this evening. Wonderful.

Sometimes I think watching sitcoms in syndication is better than watching them when they're run for the first time. Why? You don't have to wait a week to find out what happens in the next episode. Especially for those "to be continued" episodes. Other than my favorite standby Friends, I've been watching Everybody Loves Raymond pretty regularly. As I've said before, no, TV does not rule my life. :)

I'm so happy that Thanksgiving is this week. However, I think the holiday is getting the shaft this year because it is so late in November. Christmas displays were in stores long ago and I'm starting to hear holiday songs on the radio. Nuttiness, I tell you. Today on the news, people were talking about sales that are happening after Thanksgiving. It used to be that Christmas stuff started happening after Thanksgiving. Oh well. One day we will actually have Christmas in July.



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