Sunday, November 23, 2003

What would you do with a million dollars?

Hi everyone,

Long time no write. I don't really remember what's happened since the last time I wrote. These past days have been kind of funny that way. Like a haze.

Rewind to last week - did anything of note happen? Brizzai got back from hunting, and he did get a buck. I'm sure it was a very proud momen for him even though he was quite modest about the whole thing.

I'm still having computer "issues." Still in "ironing out" mode there. I bought a pretty inexpensive sound card to replace my old one that's no longer supported by the company (thanks guys). I also get a chance to do some computer media organizing over the weekend. I had some storage bins for my old 3.5" disks (remember those) and I bought some of those nifty "easy steal" cd binders so I just threw everything into the storage units. I've got a truckload of empty CD cases now though :)

I've been kind of in a funky funk as of late I think. I'm not sure why. I'm sure that Seasonal Affective Disorder thingy has something to do with it. However, for the first time last week (in what seems like a while), I was able to leave at 5 and it was still light outside! I was not used to it being light outside - I'm usually driving home in the dark or in yucky rain.

Yesterday was the last day of curling class. I'm going to miss doing it. I will definitely sign up if it's offered again.

Today Steve and Elizabeth took me to the new Hard Rock Cafe in Detroit.. I know, I know, it's very corprate Man-ish but I just couldn't resist the commercial temptress known as the HRC. It's about time one opened up in Michigan. :) A little on the small side, but it's still a respectable place. You should go ;)

For some reason, we had a discussion about grown up stuff like careers and life and stuff. And sadly enough, when Elizabeth asked me what I'd do for a living if money were no object, I had no idea. Honestly. Would I do what I'm doing for a living today? Probably not, but I'm not entirely sure. I still look back fondly about the internet binge days as a consultant, but I don't know if I could go back to that either.

Btw, that's what the first line's about. Remember in the movie Office Space? The answer to that question would be what you'd want to do for a living (your most desired career). Or somethirng like that.

Anyway, like I said, I have no idea what I'd do. I was thinking I'd be a bum and spend my money. I know that's not a good answer though :) Do a lot of people know the answer to the question already? Am I the only one that doesn't know?




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