Monday, July 26, 2004

Curious Kirk.

Hey all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.  Just a few quick notes before going to bed.

I'm going to try and get to bed early tonite.  Hopefully by midnite (instead of half past as usual).

I'm going to start having 2 offices soon - We recently had a reorg, and now our group is theoreticlaly combined with another group, but we're physically separated in two buildings, each across the street form each other.  See a problem here?

It's like that evolutionary biology phenomenon that I learned about (kind of) in undergrad.  You know, where one species of X got split up by some landform (e.g., mountain), and then each evolves a bit differently?)  Come on bio majors - you know what I'm talkin bout, right?

Ummm,  riiight.  Obviously I remember it so well

So yes, my theory is that even though our two groups were merged together in the org chart and on paper, the two groups will never fully combine into one if they're physically separated.  Makes sense?  Even if they're separated by a street.

I'm going to start spending time at my current cube and at one across the street.

Enough bio talk.  Booooring.

Actually, the next thing I was going to talk about was biological in nature as well.

So the visit with the very pregnant Laura.  She and her husband were on their way back to Ohio from visiting their parents in Jackson.  Anyway, so we met up in Ann Arbor so I didn't have to drive out there, and it was kind of on the way home for them.

Anyway, Laura knows me very well, and she was such a good sport.  She let me poke and prod at her big belly.  If it helps you picture it, she's due in Sept, so she's about 2 months or so away?

I was amazed at how solid her belly was.  Seriously.   Of the people I know that have been pregnant, I've never known anyone well enough to cop a feel of da belly.  So with her permission (and the careful chaperoning of her husband), I poked and I saw.  Apparently she was used to this type of treatment - she gets such handling from her family and friends as well.

I don't know what I was expecting.  I thought it would have give like a beach ball.  But no, it was more solid, somewhere between a basketball (without the black lines and little bumps of course) and one of those reddish/brownish "kick balls" that we used to have in grade school.

Ahh, the wonders of childbirth.

On that note, I will sign off. :)




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