Sunday, July 04, 2004

Happy 4th of July!

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening. If your 'hood is anything like mine, there's random fireworks going off here and there.

Today was an odd day weatherwise. It was sunny, then it wasn raining like mofo. Then it was sunny. Then it was raining.. Then it was... You get the idea. I must have opened and shut the window at least 5 times today.

Finally, Mother Nature made a decisions and gave us some nice (but windy) weather that was quite comfortable.

On MTV they were showing a Cribs marathon. It's such a great show - I'm not sure why I stopped watching it (shrug). Maybe too much of a good thing.

The original plan was to do some work this afternoon and take the evening off, but it didn't work that way. I ended up talking on the phone and IMing people for a large part of it. Oh well, no biggie. At least there's the bonus day tomorrow :)

Not much to report this evening - It was kind of eerie driving around town today. There was hardly anyone around. It was as if I was driving around like 5 or 6 in the morning on a weekend. Nutty. Not that I do that on a regular basis or something :)

When I finish with school, I'll have to plan some vacations away. Recently I've been envious of people that have big plans for the 3 day weekends, or just vacations in general. In the past, it hasn't really bothered me that I don't go anywhere special during my vacations. I like just putzing around at home. Maybe I'm getting some sort of travel bug. I wouldn't mind taking a weekend trip up north, or a longer vacation out west or east. There's something nice about just relaxing at home, but I think going somewhere is nice too. I'll have to try that sometime.



At 10:27 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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