Thursday, July 01, 2004

Supply and demand breaks down.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well. Surprisingly, It's really cooled down. Can't complain about that. I'd been spoiled by the super mild weather, so now that the humid hot stuff is coming, I'm not loving it as much.

Today was a pretty perfect day weatherwise. You could tell everyone thought so too, because the convertible tops were down, the management execs on the motorcycles were out, and the "I only drive this car when the weather's absolutely perfect and there's negative chance of rain" cars were out.

So yesterday was the first day of my second class (it's not virtual). The teacher seems to be pretty cool. One minor surprise - We need to get another book. Somewhere a ball was dropped, and when the earlybirds were shopping for books, we didn't know that an extra book was added.

So the instructor asked us to go out to the bookstore during our break and get the book. So like kids on a field trip, we filed into the bookstore...

And of course they ran out.

You guessed it. As luck would have it, the guy in front of me got it. And I was left with nothing.

The dude at the desk told us that the books wouldn't be available until early next week. Which didn't help us at all since we needed the books in class. Grrr.

(gripe alert)

So ok, let me get this straight. The bookstore knows that there are x people taking the class. We're using a book that's out of print reprinted in a coursepack. So they pretty much know that we're screwed and we'll have to buy the book from them, right? So freakin order enough books for everyone!

I was really irritated by the whole thing, if you couldn't tell.

The funniest thing is that it's a business school bookstore. Go figure.


The class was fine. I had to furiously take notes all during class, but life went on.

Yesterday was weird. I felt like I was in space cadet mode. Like I was not myself. I think after the whole book incident I just became more edgy. It was a mix of the stress of being back in school, working until midnight every night since Monday on school stuff. (I even missed my Sex in the City on Tuesday) :(

I took a break from school today though.

I watched more TV and actually got a chance to treadmill for a bit.

Let's see, what else...

Today a few management types at the office brought in their motorcycles - It was like a mini Harley Davidson show. It's funny to watch these middle aged dudes change from their shirts and ties into jeans, leather vests and bandanas.

No fringe, luckily.

I just found the whole thing humorous, for some reason. Not sure why.

When did I get my windows tinted? Last month? Since then, I've been driving around with no CDs in the car. About 6 months ago, I bought one of those easy steal CD wallets to put my car CDs into. Around the time I got my windows tinted, I figured that I'd put my CDs into the wallet.

The CDs are still sitting on the kitchen counter.

I was reminded again that I had to get my CDs again when I didn't hear any worthy music on my entire drive home. I would have even settled for an Usher song...

Alas, I wasn't that lucky.



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