Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Rocked the vote, Chose (not lost), Voted instead of Dying.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well on the tail end of the election day. I got out and voted this morning - took about an hour. So I was a little late to work, but no probs.

Had class tonite too. (Insert typical school comments here)

There was a mega line for my precinct, but not the other that was voting in the same building. Don't know what the deal was with that. But of course I had to be stuck behind Mr. Coughy and the Dude Who Knows it All. I was scared for Mr. Coughy. I thought he was going to cough up a lung. I kept checking on him to make sure he was ok - I didn't want him to fall over cause I didn't want to be late for work. Just kidding.

And of course the Dude Who Knows it All. You know this guy - He knows everything about the electoral process. Willing to rattle off facts about the judicial system at the drop of a hat. Has cutting edge ideas about how to improve and fully streamline the voting process. Lovely.

Overall, it wasn't a bad experience. I was just noticing the people in line in front of me. But, everything went pretty smoothly - I didn't experience any machine issues, my marker worked well, I was able to connect the lines on the ballot ok, and it was all good.

I think the best part of it were the cheery people that were working the polling place. The majority of them were senior citizens. They all had smiles on their faces and were all very friendly. Like they genuinely enjoyed what they were doing, and the service they were providing to the community.

Imagine that.

I don't mean to sound condescending - but the senior citizens were just happily working along at their own pace. Not in the typical hustle and bustle speed that you'd see at like, say, a supermarket checkout line. And what I didn't realize was that while I was chatting, they made me feel more at ease. I had no idea that I had gotten a little tense while waiting in the long line - Maybe it was worrying about getting to work in time or something. But honestly, talking to them and just enjoying their aura made the whole experience much nicer.

And you know I'm all about the experience.

I know it sounds really weird. But I appreciated their attitude. It reminded me to take it easy and not be in such a rush all the time.



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