Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Why do beverages taste better at a coffee shop?

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well. I got a chance to take a break from going to class today cause we are having our session online this week. We have a quiz and stuff so I guess the instructor figured it would be enough time at the computer? I dunno.

So Monday rolls around and I had a crappy start to the week. I was dreading it from the moment I woke up because I had to take my car in, and go beg for mercy from the IS people.

The Supaflyride has a hole in the exhaust (the frontpipe). And normally I'd probably just ignore it, but the exhaust is really really stinky. We're talking car from the 1980s hoopty stinky. Like it wouldn't pass emissions stinky. So I was starting to get concerned because when the car is stopped at a light, I could smell the exhaust in the car (when I had my windows down). I figured I should get it fixed before winter comes - Just in case...

I ended up getting to work around 9:00 a.m. And then I had to grovel and call the IS people to have them help me. Like I was saying in the previous blog entry - This thing was thoroughly wacked. I'm talking can't even boot into safe mode or previous known good configuration. All because I wanted to hook up my network card. Grrr.

Luckily, the lady that I talked to was cool and just asked me to bring it in. So that was cool.

But I was still grumpy from the estimate for the car repairs. At least the parts are ordered, and I will be able to get my exhaust problem fixed (hopefully within the week). So we'll see.

I ended up getting my laptop back the same day (Monday afternoon). Unfortunately, I hadn't answered email for 3 days, so I figured it would be a good time to go home and try the VPN software at home. With a little finagling and a call to our support people, I was cruising along and checking my e-mail - just like I were at the office. It's going to be kickass for those snow days :)

Speaking of PC's and stuff - Is it just me, or has the Service Pack 2 for XP completely slowed down your machine too? Does SP really stand for Serivice Pack or Slower Please?

So I've been feeling cold as of late - So I've got on sweatpants, a sweatshirt, t shirt, and socks on.

And I'm still cold.

I may have to bring out the goose down comforter early this year.

So I decided to poke around the kitchen to see if there was anything good. And I came across a Tazo teabag that I had gotten from the Man's coffee store. There's nothing like a good cup of tea when you're feeling cold. I'm having Tazo's Calm tea.

But you know what? It's just not the same as sitting in a coffee shop on a comfy, royal purple couch and just lounging.

I'm all about the experience.

Don't get me wrong - I am more comfortable clothes-wise at home. but there's something about the coffee smell, the hanging halogen lights, the sound of the machines, and the look of the bold wall colors.

I did however, save myself 2 bucks :)

Let's see, what else has been going on. I love the fact that the Post offices around me are open later (like till 7:00 p.m.). I was able to ship some stuff to my penpal without having to rush around after work. Very cool.

One of these days I have to get my license renewed too. That will be fun.




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