Saturday, October 23, 2004

The mystery of golf ball sized hail.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this weekend. Saturday's almost over. A tad cold outside too, but not too bad.

Let's see, what's been going on this week.

I learned that it's hard to buy clothes for someone that you don't know well. I like to buy clothes for people that I know. I secretly think I have good taste :)

But I did't realize that I didn't know this particular person well until I walked out of the store with my purchases. Hmmm. Oh well, you gotta take a chance once in a while, right?

Besides, they'll make very fancy rags.

Let's see, what else has been going on... I was talking to my penpal in Vancouver today - she was saying that it was hailing outside. Hail is an interesting thing. I'm sure I've remarked it before, but I really want to see golf ball sized hail. I've only seen tiny hail. Nothing to write home about.

But then again, I guess if I did see golfball sized hail, then I'd probably be worried about other stuff, like damage to the house or the car :)

Perhaps I'll do a search on the web for pictures of golf ball sized hail.

Tuesday's class was online - So I was lovin' that. I caught up with everything today. At least I'm done for now :)

So at work I had a conversation with coworkers about rap music. And I never claim to be a real critic - just an observer. But you've heard me remark about how rap music seems to be on a decline for subject matter.

The other day, I heard a song about a rapper talking about his white T-shirt. How he likes to do stuff in is white T-shirt. Come on. Talking about one article of clothing and what you do in it constitutes a song?

There's also a guy that sings about being incarcerated.

Or what about that other song where it's about a supposed real "dance move?" Is leaning back really a dance move? We have come a far ways from the Macarena. Now synchronized dancing just means leaning back. We don't need any of those fancy moves that the Hustle or the Macarena made us do. Now we just point one shoulder back and that's that. Call it a day.

What is rap music coming to?

Don't get me wrong, the hooks and beats are definitely catchy - no doubt about that. They stick in your head like bubblegum to asphalt on a hot sunny day. But is lack of skill being masked by catchy hooks and beats? Is that why you should always thank your producer?

I'm guilty of liking commercialized rap music - I'll be the first to admit it. I too have been seduced by a great bassline and a catchy chorus (e.g., Outkast's Hey Ya is a great example). But I think I'm starting to look for more...

The supaflyride is finally fixed. $500.00 later, my car is as good as new. It's been quite the expensive year for the supaflyride. Hopefully I'll be done with repair for a little while.

(knock on wood)

I can't take any more car repair stress. I hate being at the mercy of the car dealerships. I just pretty much give them my credit card and they just charge me whatever they want.

Friday's class was no different than the others. I'm starting to become disheartened by my school career. Every time I visit my Friday class, I feel more lost leaving than when I started class. We're trying to install firewalls and vpn and stuff. And it is a big pain in the arse. Major props to people who do this on a regular basis. Hopefully you got good training :)

Geneman is in Korea right now. Heh. He's pre-travelling and getting ready for Florida in 2 weeks. He'll come back, have a few days to recover and then we'll be off on our postponed vacation that we were supposed to have until Hurricane Ivan came to town. With all this cold weather, the trip to FL will be very welcome.

I'm sure the plane ride to FL will be cake to him after his trip out to Korea.



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