Sunday, February 06, 2005

New old clothes.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

Ahh, it's Sunday already. I can't believe it. Where has the weekend gone?

Well, yesterday I spent like 10 hours doing schoolwork - 3 of it was spent reviewing material, and 5 of it was spent taking an online exam. After a short break, I spent 2 hours doing another assignment that's due on Monday.

I'm a schoolwork pimp. (or ho, depending on how you look at it).

I know, I know, Sunday is usually dedicated to schoolwork right? Well, today I was supposed to drive out west and see Steve and E (Who I haven't seen in what seems like months). But it turned out they missed me and the area enough to come out here instead. Which kicked butt because it saved me like 3 hours of road time.

So I hung out with them for a few hours - we went out to lunch and hung out at the shopping mecca.

While I was getting ready, I felt like I was getting tired of my clothes - Rummaging around, I found a shirt that I had forgotten I owned! It was pretty nifty, like finding some extra money in a pants pocket :)

I've been feeling like I've been in a wardrobe slump latetly. I think I'm just getting tired of my work clothes. And the tiredness is making its way towards my casual clothes too. The thing is I've been trying to look for new clothes at my usual places but I haven't found anything that I've liked.

(shrug) Maybe I have to widen the clothing net - like at A&F- hahaha.



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