Sunday, July 10, 2005


Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this weekend. As usual it's flying by.

Something's happened with the weather and I've been loving it - It's been perfect. Warm during the day, and cooler at night.

Makes for good sleeping.

This morning/early afternoon I was intrigued by the Discovery Channel show MythBusters. The network was having a MB marathon or something. I ended up watching 2 hours of the show - hence the late start to the day. I had to shut off the TV right when the 2nd show ended for fear that I'd get sucked into watching another episode.

So here you see my impulse buy for today. My mom was looking at plants for her garden and I saw sunflowers for sale.

It reminded me of our old house - We used to have these crazy tall sunflowers on the side of our house. I remeber the flowers being huge, so there were a ton of sunflower seeds.

I thought these flowers just natrually came back every year, but it turns out my mom was doing some behind the scenes magic and had been planting the seeds every year. Who knew?



At 8:33 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mythbusters is a great show. It's been on for a while, but they have a lot of reruns. Check em out if ya can.



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