Wednesday, October 09, 2002


Feelin SPANISH today. Just kidding.

Today I was smart and put in a CD. No crapulent music for me, thank you very much. But of course, I listened to the radio on the way into work this morning. Old habits die hard. One station had Jon Bon Jovi in the studio. Interesting. All these years and he's still rockin. Pretty nifty. I'm not really into his music, but it's cool that he's still around. I wonder how many stars we hear on the radio will have as much staying power. Britney? Justin? The American Idol? Whatever. On the other station? They were outing Sponge Bob. For real. I kid you not. I have never watched the cartoon fully to judge for myself, but the discussion around the topic was very amusing. like when they outed Tinky Winky. Just because he carries a Magic Bag. Come on. Bob lives in a pineapple under the sea or something like that.

It is very interesting how people have such a fascination with people's sexuality and other stuff too. Is he or isn't he? Boxers or Briefs? Bikini or Thong? Paper or Plastic? Heh.

Why is it that whenever elections come around, there are always commercials paid for by different groups to slam on each of the other candidates? One commercial I saw had the normal slams, even listed the slamee's phone number. Hopefully it was his work number. How do you like them apples? Annoying, to say the least.

So, the count now is 3 days... no camera shipped yet. Ugh. So it inspired me to write a poem.

Costco Costco where's my digicam?
I hope your website isn't a big digi-scam.
Standard shipping is seven to ten business days,
To get it here faster I could think of many ways.
On my doorstep I will patiently sit,
Hoping within the next week I'll get my sh..tuff.


I did call the Cost Corporation today, and they said that my order was being processed and they were not waiting for anything from me... We'll see.if they make good on their promise. It's odd, because usually, an ecommerce site tells you when stuff is shipping. This one just tells you that you'll get your stuff in 7 to 10 business days. Something a little different I guess. But I was reassured by Sherri (if that is indeed her real name or probably just her phone persona) that my order was being processed and everything was going ok.

Friday is going to be seal my garage floor day. Please mark it on your calendars. Just show up around 4 p.m. or so, so we can finish before it gets dark. Thanks.

So recently, I decided (voluntarily) to give up seafood for a bit. Please, remember to breathe. I know, this is totally unlike me, and the US department responsible for the snow crab population is going to have to find someone else to help control the numbers for a little while. I just want to see if I'm allergic to it. I'm hoping not. That would be bad.

OK, that's it for now. Catcha later.



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