Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Hey everyone,

Hope you're doing well.

Today I voted at the nicest church I've ever been in. I know, I don't get out to many churches often, but the portion of the complex that I saw was quite modern looking, I think more of like a meeting space. I'm sure there were other areas that looked more "churchy" but I didn't get to see them. But anyway, the entire voting process was quite painless, and everything went pretty smoothly. Kudos to the polling place people. Hopefully, without any major ballot controversy, we'll know the final results late tonight or early tomorrow.

Today I filled out the open enrollment stuff for my job. You know, for benefits and all of that type of jazz. Every year, I think the coverage gets worse and rates go up higher. When will the madness end? I guess I could always go to the herbal route or something.

So speaking of health, with my mom's urging, I'm going to go see a general doctor dude do get a complete checkup for the first time in many many years, probably since the 80s. When I was seeing my pediatrician. Anyway, it'll all go down on Friday morning. Which, might I add, I find amazing, because I've never been able to make an appoinment with a doctor the same week I want to go. Wait a sec, that might not be a good thing...

I think those "snack size/fun size" candy bars are evil. Evil evil evil. You eat one big candy bar, that's it. No more. I usually feel pretty satisfied (if not overly-satisfied). But when you eat a "fun size." you can't just eat one. They're so small that it doesn't feel like you've had anything substantial. So you need to have another. And another. Today at the office, someone brought in their excess (I'm guessing) Halloween candy. I swear, I think I had a mixture of at least 6 Mounds, Snickers Crunches, and Butterfingers. Not to mention, the other 2 snack sizes that were packed in my lunch. So, put them end to end, I'm sure I had like 4 or 5 actual size candy bars. Still, minimal satisfaction. Ugh. I need to stay away from that candy jar. I'm telling you, evil.



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