Tuesday, October 29, 2002


didn't get a chance to write last night, cause uhh, I had gone on a jaunt to do some errands and was preoccupied with watching my DEK (David E. Kelley) shows. I'm beginning to dread winter because it 1) gets dark so quickly (specially with the time change) and (as you've heard me griping before) 2) it's cold. At least it's gotten too cold already. This is more like November/December weather.

As the season changes (along with the new tv seasons starting), I'm losing a few nights of my week to TV again. Although this year I seem to be recording more shows than I'm watching. I've got a backlog of about 3 weeks of shows that I still need to watch. But you know what? I haven't missed watching them. I'm going to be OK.

So as many of my friends know, I hate wearing shoes. The minute I get inside the door of my house, the shoes come off. You see, I've got this thing with foot sweat. Ugh. Anyway, that's not the point. My point is, I wish the shoe makers would bring back the Velcro strips in lieu of shoelaces. I know, I know, they're just not cool anymore. Those shoes are the lazy Man's shoe. Those Velcro shoes were da bomb. You'd never get shoelace knots, they made a funny ripping noise when you "untied" them, and they always stayed "tied. So how did this wave of nostalgia come about? I was all ready to go, had the car warmed up, and then I had to go back into the house to get something. I had to untie my shoes, run upstairs, come back downstairs, and then tie my shoes again. At that point, in my laziness, I longed for the days when I could just slap the Velcro strips together and be done with it. Ahh the simpler times.

Better get back to work.



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