Sunday, October 27, 2002


What's going on? Hope you're having a nice weekend.

Today was an administrative day. Meaning I took care of a bunch of errands I had to do, plus today was bill and finance day. Oh yes, the joys of bill day. It's the day when you look at that pile of unopened/opened mail, and you hope that there's nothing in there that's overdue. I'm "one of those people." Save everything till the last minute, and pay everything at once. I felt like my checkwriting was endless. My first taste of home ownership. I gotta find a way to automate all of this :)

So my check writing process is temporarily done for now. Until next time...

So we get an extra hour of sleep tonight! Woo hoo! I can't wait.

I washed my car for the first time in a while today. The high was supposedly 52 - I don't recall ever seeing the thermometer go above 50. Outfitted for action in my sweats and fleece, I was ready to battle the cold. Everything was groovy until I started working with water. MAN that was cold. Also, when your hands are really cold and kind of numb, it's always inevitable that you'll bang your knuckles against something and it hurts like a mofo. Always. It never fails.

Anyway, so yeah, I toughed out the cold and stuff, went through 2 pairs of socks, and finally got a nice coat of wax on my little car. I don't think the one coat is enough for a winter that is predicted to be pretty harsh. But that'll have to do for now. I don't think I'll be up for another wash and wax session for tomorrow. I'm going to try and do a little bathroom painting, I think. We'll see how I feel in the morning.

I'm still in denial that winter is coming, so I've still not brought out the heavy duty super deluxe down comforter. I usually save it for when snow is in the forecast. Like Christmas decorations being sold in stores, I think the comforter may have to make an appearance earlier this year.

That's all for now...



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