Tuesday, October 29, 2002


I hate spam. Not the super salty processed mystery canned "meat." I'm talking about the extra special messages that I get in my hotmail box, and now my super secret personal mail. You know the ones. How to consolidate your debt into a payment of 1 dollar a month, get a MD degree in 5 days, make your manhood as big as a tree trunk, work at home and make six figures, how you've won a trip to the north or south pole, etc., etc., etc. The list goes on and on and on. In my hotmail account, I think I get 20 times more junk mail than legit mail. Ugh. I wonder what kind of a return companies get when they use spam. Is it really that effective of an advertising medium? I guess companies do get some sort of return, otherwise they wouldn't use spam as advertising, right?

I'm troubled that it's going to be cold on Thursday. What's up with that? Kids are not going to want to trick or treat in this cold weather, will they. Oh well, more candy for me. hee hee.

Today I was looking at a coworker's Halloween party digital camera pictures. There was a very tall woman in one of the pictures. I thought to myself, "wow, she's really tall." I'm definitely attracted to taller women. No good reason, but I'm sure it's because it will be good for my offspring. But the main thing is that I hope there's some above average height lady out there that will be looking at pictures, looking at the vertically challenged guy, thinking to herself "wow, he's short, I dig guys that are short." Here's hoping. (sigh) ;)

Catcha later,


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