Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Good evening,

It's been a while since I've written, I know. Many things in flux, I tell you. Craziness.

this is going to be a short message, must get to sleep soon. I'll write more later. I was at the client site all day today, at a training. I learned some good stuff though, so that was cool. While I was at the client site, I met up with some people that I used to work with. Very fun. It was cool to see them again.

Watched the Osbornes today. Like the shite Jerry Thinger show, there was so much censoring that it was hard to understand and get the jist of what the family was talking about. Kelly's boyfriend is way ooky. I wanted to find out what his nickname actually was. I had a funniest moment ready to say, but I don't remember what it is now. Ahh well, maybe over the weekend I'll catch a rerun and will think of it then.

I wrote out holiday cards. I'm always so lazy about them. I started getting cards right after Thanksgiving, and now I'm sending a few out about 2 weeks later. I love receiving cards, but I'm just putzy about sending them out. I never know what to say in them. Ahh well, it's the thought that counts, right?

Catcha later,


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