Thursday, December 05, 2002

Hey all,

To all my peeps on the east coast, I hope you're weathering the storm ok... Hang in there.

After quite a few hours of fighting with the snowthrower, trying to sweet talk it to start, I finally thew my hands up in the air and caved. My mom helped me load it in the ambulance (i.e., the soccer mom mobile) and I took it to the dealership in the Hills. I didn't want to wait until the weekend, because I was sure many many people would have encountered the same type of machine failure when they took their snowthrowers out for the first snowfall. It's been two days and the service people still haven't gotten a chance to look at it. I'm just hoping that I'll get the snowthrower before the next snowfall. Same as taking in my little car to the dealership, I feel helpless and totally at the mercy of the service people. I hope they're gentle...

Today I supported the Tony Hawk empire by purchasing one of his PS2 games. They always look so fun, and one of the older games was on sale at Target. It was part of their "Greatest Hits" collection. I'll let you know what I think of it whenever I get a chance to play it.

I've been driving the soccer mom mobile for 2 days now. Tomorrow it'll be 3. My car and the soccer mom mobile are now featuring new car paint fashion techniques. I like to call it salt speck. You paint the car just as normal, and then you drive it on the heavily salted Michian roads for a few days, and you're stylin'. The only thing is that everyone seems to feature this new paint technique on their car as well, so it's become pretty mainstream. Oh yeah, why am I driving the stylish soccer mom mobile? If I have to go get the snowthrower, it won't fit in my car.

So I'm getting broken down by the Man's uniform store and it's clever advertising schemes. I was watching the Gap commercial today during Must See TV, and I have actually started to liike the stripes motif featured in this year's clothing line. It's that damn catchy remake of the O Jay's Love Train song. It's a good one too. Next time I'm at the shopping mecca of Michigan, I'm going to get suckered into buying a striped scarf and then next year it'll be out of style, because solids are back in again. (sigh) It's all a scam by the Man's uniform store. I'm such a sucker for the Man's uniform store.

Tomorrow's Friday! This week has totally flown by. Craziness.



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