Monday, September 15, 2003

Good evening,

How are things? Let's see, a fairly significant milestone has passed - last Saturday was my 6 month anniversary at the (not so new anymore) job.

I will have owned the city home for a year come the 25th.

At the end of the month, my blog will be 1 year old.

How time flies...

This blog has been pretty cool to have. It's been a neat outlet for me to write about random stuff. But at the same time, I wonder how much information people can find out about me by reading everything I've written. Not that I'm saying my life is as riveting and award winning as a New York Times bestseller, but still.

i'm sure psychology students and professors are analyzing my writings and finding out how crazy and deranged I may be ;)

So anyway, what made me think about all this stuff? Not about how nutty I may be, but rather if it would be better to have people get to know me first, ahd then read my blog, or vice versa? Everyone that knows that I keep this blog knows me pretty well. And I'm sure no matter what I wrote or did (short of causing people harm), they'd still all continue to be my friends. Well who knows, I think even if I did cause people harm, some of my friends wouldn't mind either. They'd just be more cautious around me I guess. ;)

Seriously though, so I've been thinking about my instant messenger (IM) friend who I got to see a picture of (on Saturday). The whole dynamic of our relationship completely changed, I tell ya. Quite unexpectedly too. She went from being pretty much a digital form to someone that's become more real. Provided that she's been honest (i.e., that the pic I saw is indeed her picture) which I have no reason to belive that she isn't, I am definitely attracted. I've thought about her quite a few times since Saturday. Not sure if this is a passing thing (crush) or if it's something more real.

I wanted to say something about her picture, but I just never did. I wasn't sure what to say, and I didn't want to come across as a freaker, you know? The thing is, I feel like I know very little about her and I would like to get to know her better. Not really sure how to go about it though. Do I tell her that I would like to know her better? Do I let her know that I keep this blog? I'm wondering if all the stuff I write in here will let her know too much about me. But then again, what's in this blog is definitely me. I also think it's kind of sketchy that I have this sudden interest in her becuase I have seen her picture. Is that bad?

For me, attraction is a fairly important part of a relationship. I know it may sound very shallow, but there has to be some sort chemical reaction, or spark, if you will, for things to happen. (shrug) I dunno, just my take.

She had originally asked for a picture of me. Being in pictures is not a favourite thing of mine. About 99% of the pictures I take don't include me. The pictures that do have me in them probably have me doing goofy stuff or are vacation pictures where my parents made me be pose for photos (it shows too ;)

Of course, she really didn't say anything about my picture either (other than how I looked young) :) Of course, the only photo (that was in digital form) that I could think of to post was a goofy picture of me on my scooter that my brother took while he was here last weekend. But I think the photo definitely captured my essence so hopefully she thought it was cool or funny to some extent.


Oh yeah, one other thing. Nothing's ever easy - She also just happens to live about 2500 miles away from me :)



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