Friday, August 27, 2004

Lovingly embraced in shopping mall A/C

Hi everyone,

Hope you're doing well this evening. This week has totally flown by. Before I knew it, Wednesday had come, and it was all downhill from there.

We've been spoiled this summer with such mild weather. But today, the summer that we have come to expect showed up. 85 degrees with hella humidity. Like start sweating the minute you step out of the house humidity.

You may think 85 with hella humidity isn't bad - But when you've gotten acclimated to temps in the 70s, it's hot.

Damn hot.

It was hot enough that I almost drove home with the air conditioning on. And that usually doesn't happen (unless I'm driving with someone that doesn't like the open air feel). Once the car was moving, everything was peachy.

The office building was very well cooled (as usual), so I was fine during work. But there exists a better air conditioning - the kind in the shopping mall. We're talking rrefrigerator cold. From the minute you step through the double doors, you are lovingly engulfed in a special air conditioning that is unlike any other.

Can ya dig it?

Now you're probably wondering what makes shopping mall air conditioning so good? Well first things first, work is - well, work. There's somewhat of a bad stigma attached to it. But shopping mall air condioning is filled with mall smells - Scents of new goods and merchandise, people, and money.

I'm all about the experience.

At the mall, there's a more leisurely feel to it (provided you aren't there for any particular reason), especially while browsing.

I guess today was a special day as well - the new Sony Style store opened up. I love it when stores first open up. Most of the sales staff have new jobs so they seem like they're all quite happy. Stores are usually overstaffed in the beginning too, so help is not far away. While I was in there, I don't think 5 minutes passed without someone asking if I needed any help. It may seem annoying, but it's kind of different from the usual electronics / computer store experience. Best of all, everything works. All the display units aren't mangled, broken, badly manhandled, etc.

Not yet.

We'll have to see what happens - I would imagine the fine people at Sony would take care of their displays better than the average store - But we shall see. The store was very well done - it embodied the whole Sony brand, and they did the best they could with limited space. I hope the store does well.

Got to play with some new technologies - saw some stuff that I've only seen on the website. All was good in the world.



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