Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Database ass kicking.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening. Just a few quick notes before heading off to bed.

Apparently I'm not getting enogh sleep because I was passed out on the couch for about an hour today. Don't know what was up with that.

On Monday, my DB group met up to work on our final projects. It took us amost 4 hours to write one script (that only half worked). I was very bummed. At the end, we had to cry "uncle" and ask one of our cohorts in the class. He hooked us up, but I still didn't fully understand what the fix was.

So today, I took some time out to try working with the scrip and rewrote a few sections. The scrip created the tables, but the real test will be when we actually load the data into the tables.

We shall see.

As requested, Geneman hooked me up with the lowdown on the wedding - I talked to him while he was waiting at the airport and we had a debrief this evening. Sounds like everything went very smoothly and well. He took over 150 pictures (and then some) so I got a good idea.

I'm glad I stuck with my decision of not to go.

Not that it would have been terrible, but it probably was better for my mental health ;)

Thursday is the office summer event - I'm hoping for no rain. We're doing a car wash to raise money, and then we're going to a coworker's house after that.



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