Saturday, August 14, 2004

If I want to floss, I've got my own.

Hi all,

Hope you're having a good weekend. Just taking a break after doing the online quiz thing.

As much as snail mail gets made fun of, it will always have it's place in the circle of life. Until we have transporters or whatever (like sci-fispaceship style), we'll always have a need to have people deliver stuff for us.

Getting stuff in the mail (other than bills and advertisements) is kind of exciting. What's in the brown paper wrapped bag? ;) Oh wait. We probably know what's in there.

But seriously, you know, when you get mystery bubble mailers, or boxes of stuff that people send. Hell, even stuff that you buy off the web is exciting when it finally comes (and you already know what is in the boxes).

Best of all, it's those things that come in the mail that you don't expect - those are the best packages.

So I was on the web who knows how long ago and signed up for a free sample flosser thing. I don't remember when I signed up for it, but I actually got it today. I had totally forgotten about registering for it.

My teeth will be clean tonight.



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