Sunday, August 08, 2004

Please do not discard.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this weekend. It's a perfect day, isn't it?

Again, it feels like I've not written in a while. I've been feeling out of touch as of late.

Let's see, what's been going on...

Thursday was Robin's funeral. It was such a beautiful ceremony. So many people were there - We filled 3 rooms.

It was hard to go back to work after that - It's just so odd.

On Friday when I went to the office across the street, every time I walked by her cube, I expected her to be there. Everything was there, just as she had left it. Like she was going to come back to work.


I couldn't get out of work fast enough on Friday. For the first time, I felt like I needed to leave because I wasn't doing anything really productive.

Got home from work early, and I wanted to do something fun (other than school. Anything but that. Unfortunately, we had a plumbing "issue" and that had to be taken care of.

Leaks that you don't know about suck.

I did end up doing something fun though - I met up with Steve and E at the shopping mecca - I've not been there in a month or so. It was like returning home ;)

Saturday was all schoolwork all the time - Until dinner, when I took the rest of the evening off. This mild summer weather kicks ass. My mom and I walked around the outdoor mall and did some light shopping. It was nice to take it easy and not think about evil school.

(getting the picture?)

Today was another uneventful day - I slept in until noon. Just because. It was way nice. Every day should be a sleep till noon day. I think everyone would be happier then.

I went through the mail that's been stacking up on the kitchen island and got a laugh - There was a piece of junk mail that I received that asked me not to throw it away (it said "please do not discard"). Suuure, of course I listened.



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