Monday, August 09, 2004


Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening. The weatherman said that it was supposed to rain. But so far, not a drop. There was even talk of 1 inch sized hail. Imagine that.

Although, I've been told that one inch sized hail has happened before around here, but I've never really seen it. I mean seriously - one inch? I've also heard golf ball sized too.

Yeah yeah, I'm sure it melts (or whatever hail does) by the time it gets down to the ground)...

I just picture some crazy shite, like as if someone just dumped a big 'ol bag of pingpong balls from the sky. How wacky would that be? And if you were lucky enough to have a pool in the backyard, you'd have one of those things like they have at those activity restaurants geared towards kids. You know what I'm talkin about, where there's a room that's filled up probably 2 or 3 feet full of those colored balls.

Quite the imagination.

So, instead of doing the good school citizen thing, I blew off ths evening by poking around on the web and taking some Tickle tests (you might remember them as emode back in tha day)

I know, I know, it's kind of juvenile...

But anyway, I took my first inkblot test ever. As a sidenote, if da link doesn't work, go to the website (Tickle) and search for inkblot.

Anyway, some of the questions made me laugh, because... Well, I don't want to taint your experience if you're going to take it.

If you know me well enough, you'll know what I was giggling about :)

Be prepared though, it's like 56 questions. Be aware that the site is commercial-y and it's a tad popup laden. (But I think the end result is worth it, personally - Those with less patience may tend to disagree)

So here's my result (copied from the Tickle website:

(begin cut and pasty)

Kirk, your subconscious mind is driven most by Love

Everyone has a desire to love. But your desire is rooted very deeply in your unconscious and affects many of the decisions you make in life — whether you are aware of it or not.
You have an energy about you that inspires people to experience their true feelings of love and act kindly towards others. In this way, you and your drive for loving relationships start a chain reaction of positive experiences.

The reason you are driven by love, may be because your unconscious is trying to avoid the opposite of love — hate. You, more than others, may be afraid of experiencing severe discord with others. That may, in turn, heavily influence your choices about relationships and the way you communicate your ideas, wants, and desires to others.

With such a strong orientation towards loving others, your relationships hold a very special place in your life. Your capacity to love may be greater than those around you, and therefore you may have more to give in relationships than your romantic partner does. Remember that this is a gift you have and one most others don't possess.

Though your unconscious mind is driven most strongly by Love, there is much more to who you are at your core.

(end cut and pasty)

Huh. Innnteresting. I'm obviously a lover, not a hater.

Don't hate.

Anyway, what else.

Today I got my soft shell crab fix. Mmm tasty. Unfortunately, the sandwich bread just got in the way of the taste, but it was good nonetheless. I hadn't been to that restaurant since who knows how long. I've been to the place before - It was the favorite birthday place of the X. Her whole family used to go there for her birthday.

Speaking of the X, she's been on the mind as of late. She's getting married next weekend.

And no, I'm not going. It would just be a mix of toughness, happiness, uncomfortability (yes, that's a word in my book), and a little sadness thrown in for good measure. I'm sure there's other feelings too, that I just can't name right now. Don't get me wrong - I'm truly happy for her, honest (seriously). I guess I look at where I am relationship wise, and I feel like I'm behind the game. I know I shouldn't compare, but I think it's only natural.

I'm having flashbacks of an Ally McBeal episode :)

My feelings are also a result of my dislike for weddings as a single person - It's another one of those torture-fests for people that aren't in relationships :)

But anyway, I will be sending Geneman as my proxy. I'm expecting a comprehensive report after the event is done :)



At 7:47 PM EDT, Blogger Gene said...

If I don't take at least 200 pictures by the time all is said and done, I will consider it a total failure.

btw, if you change your mind, I have an extra bed at the hotel. All they had were doubles.


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