Saturday, December 11, 2004

Day one of freedom.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

I had to go into school this morning to turn in some paperwork in preparation for graduation. No, it's not happening anytime soon, but they require you to submit some "review" paperwork 3 months prior to your last class. Which will be January for me. I thought I'd get it out of the way because I know I'd forget.

And of course, I had to give up 50 bucks. For them to check over my transcript.


Like it's really going to be that hard to make sure that I have taken (or will take) 12 classes. I didn't have to pay for anything like that at Michigan the two times I was there. And of all places, they would have charged for it if they wanted to.

If someone is really makeing 50 bucks per reviewed application, I want that job.

Anyway, so yeah, I had to go to school this morning to drop off paperwork (and money) and to see a project fair - it's a venue for students to show their semester projects. In lieu of a dissertation or whatever, you need to do a project for my program.

I was in a rush to get to the post office, so I stayed for an hour, and saw a few projects that my classmates put together. They were pretty neat. I admire those that are entrepreneurial. I wish I had that focus and drive myself.

So while I was there, I ran into a lady that was in my first class of this program. She was always really friendly and nice to me in class, but she never really responded to any of my e-mails that I wrote her. It's not like I was hitting on her (honest), cause we all knew that she had recently gotten married, and etc. etc. I dunno.

Maybe she was just excited to show her project to someone.

(Someone who got what her topic was about.)

Anyway, she made me think that my forward personal space perimeter expectation is larger than the average person's. (I know that there's a technical term for it, but I don't remember what it is - if I remember I'll tell you). Basically, it's how far you want people to stand from you when having a conversation.

She'd kind of get up close, then I'd kind of back up. Then she'd come up closer. I felt kind of closed in at times. How weird.

Huh. It just made me remember that the same thing used to happen to me and P when she still worked with me. I'd walk her out to her car (we'd leave at the same time and mine was always parked way out in the end of the parking lot) and we'd just stand outside talking. And we'd start at one end of the car, and then when it was time to say goodbye, we would have moved to the other end of the car.


I wonder what it is. I'm normally a touchy person with people I know well. Maybe that's it.

Anyway, so enough about my personal hangups.

what else...

I spent all day today lounging. Watched some TV and wrote out holiday cards. On Cartoon Network, I caught some episodes of Tom and Jerry. Maybe I was in the mood for cartoons, but for some reason, the shows were funnier than I remembered. I was laughing pretty hard.

I wrote out a bunch of holiday cards. I know it's getting late, but my excuse was school. I'm not sure how many cards I'll get back so we'll see. I'm considering not doing cards anymore. Just because I think it's a waste of resources - and I'm never really sure what to do with the ones that I receive. I still feel bad throwing them out.



At 12:38 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i lied. i guess i didn't see the post annonymous button. :P


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