Saturday, January 15, 2005

My Chingy.

HI all,

Hope you're doing well on this long weekend :)

Besides being cold, the past few days have been great - we've seen the sun! And the sun makes me happy.

Anyway, when did I leave you last?

So I've been wanting to see the movie In Good Company. Because it has the lovely Scarlett Johannson in it. (you may remember her from the movie Lost in Translation - which is where it all started for me)

You see, Scarlett is my Chingy.

There is this lady at work - and she would do anything for the rapper named Chingy. Cause he's so hot, so talented, yadda yadda yadda. She would pretty much drop everything for him.

Just like that.

Anyway, please excuse my Teen Beat moment. I was telling El about how I wanted to go see a certain movie. It just turned out that she had time on Friday night, so we went.

On opening day.

The theater was packed. We took what seemed like the last two adjacent seats.

I didn't realy tell her what the movie was about - just the title. Apparently she read the synopsis and was a little confused why I wanted to see it. It wasn't until we were pretty close to the theater and I finally disclosed the real reason why I wanted to see the movie.

(So now I owe her a Johnny Depp movie.) A small price to pay.

The movie wasn't terrible. It wasn't the greatest cinematic experience, but I thought it was allright.

Of course, I may be a little biased.



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