Saturday, January 22, 2005

Snow bitch slap.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well on this very snowy day. I haven't seen this much snow in what seems like years. The snow (drifts) were higher than the input part of the faithful snow thrower. So much that I had to go over the driveway twice.

With the wind blowing as strong as it was, you would have thought I had forgotten to clear some areas.

I'm glad all this snow happened during the weekend. There's no way I could have made it to work today. The supaflyride would be stuck at the end of the driveway right about now.

Anyway, last night I got almost 12 hours of sleep. I've never done that before. I was watching TV around 11ish, and I was starting to get sleepy. So I just shut the television off and I was out like a light. I got up once, but I slept straight through to 9 this morning. I was contemplating getting up, but I fell back asleep for 2 more hours.

I was fighting a cold last week, so I think I needed the rest.

Anyway, so enough about sleeping. What else is up...

Today we launched a new application at work. Everything worked except for one thing. And that one thing won't be taken care of until Monday morning. It's kind of minor in the whole scheme of things, but I know it's going to be remembered.


So I haven't done any schoolwork since last Monday. I've been really really bad. And I have no motivation to start, sadly.

This whole school thing is becoming a real drag. (even more than before)

I can think of 10 million other things I'd rather be doing. Ahh well, as my buddy told me, 19.5 weeks left until graduation.



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