Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Hey all,

How's it going?

Woo hoo! I got the hard case to my camera today. That should end my accessories buying spree for my camera. Or will it? You know, I could probably use another Compact Flash Card... I tell ya, they should warn you on the box that when you buy certain items, you will feel obligated (not really, but help me out here) to buy a truckload of extra acessories. Everything seems to cost at least 25% more than I usually plan to spend. Cases, batteries, media, cables, blah blah blah. Ugh.

So I got to check out and ride in a Mini Cooper today. It was swank. Now I want one. The only time that I've seen one up close was when I was in Milwaukee. But even then, I had to view the inside of the car through windowvision. What is windovision? It's the familar two hands cupping the upperface pushed up against the glass that is quite common when people try to look inside through windows that have a ton of glare. You know what I'm talkin about. If you still have no idea what I'm talking about, visit a closed car dealership on the weekend. People use windowvision there all the time. Peepers use it too ;)

I can't believe tomorrow's Thursday! Woo hoo! This week (so far) has gone by quite quickly. Hopefully we can fast forward through Thursday and Friday too. Heh.



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