Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Hi All,

I finally finished sealing the tile on the floor of the guest bathroom today. I just have some very minor stuff to do (vertical walls this time), but I should be good to go. Or so I think. Once again, I question the value of "sealing" but hey whatever works. One scary thing though, while sealing the tile by the toilet, I was ambushed bya nasty ammonia smell which quickly turned into a bad stinky feet smell. Woo hah. It was bad. I'm glad the bathroom has an exhaust smell. I'm guessing the sealant stuff reacted with some residual stuff that was left on the floor before. The smell from the master bath? Baby barf.

So, a new product has been added to the Kirk "strong buy" list. Mint Oreos. Try them. You will not be disappointed. Unless you don't like mint, Steve and Suzy. It's not overpowering though. Just a refreshing twist to an old time favorite.

I ordered my memory card and reader for my camera today. I got tired of just being able to take 15 pictures before my card is spent. I did take some pics today of my new place, and some pictures at Somerset. Pretty swank. I just need to figure out a way to present them (other than in a line/folder list) on my website or something so you too can share in the joy.

I really really need to wash my car. I've been neglecting it since I got the new place. I need to get a nice coat of wax on it before the winter comes.

My day off rocked. That's all I have to say. Need to play the lotto more so I don't have to work anymore.



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