Friday, October 11, 2002

Hi everyone,

Well, the day has finally come. My magic camera has shipped. The only bad news is that it's coming to me from pretty much the furthest point away from me in the contiguous United States. A mere 2300 miles away in a city called Rialto, in SoCal. Well, I'm sure the weather's great out there.

Now, at 2300 miles... If you averaged 60mph the entire trip, it would take you about 38 hours. Sooo, it would be about 5 days if homey drives around 8 hours a day. Five business days from now would probably put us at Thursday. (sigh). Well, at least it's on it's way. And, as advertised, I would indeed get my order in 7 to 10 business days. Now I get the fun of tracking my camera all throughout its journey through the US. Wow, my camera is going to be better travelled in the US than me. Sad, huh.

Let's see, I got home from work around 7:30 today. That was a bummer. Luckily, I got back home in time for Must See TV. No, tv does not rule my life.

I got my Toronto pictures sent to me today. Taken on my cousin's Canon Powershot A20. I like them, they look pretty nice. Once I figure out how to batch process them to shrink them down, I'll post a link to them here. I love the instant gratification of taking digicam pictures. If it don't like it, I delete it. I know that my pictures are decent after I take them, and they're "processed" or downloaded as fast as I can do it. I love technology. I'd love it more if I could get my stuff sooner.

Today I put in a request to take Monday off. It'll be my first real day off since probably March when my brother was around. I might have taken another official day off here and there, but I don't really remember. Monday is Columbus day, and since my client's a bank, they get it off. So I will too :) Don't know exactly what I'll be doing, but I'm hoping to get more house stuff done. I got the rest of my window treatments put into the place today. At last, all my windows are covered, and I won't have to worry about the sun bleaching my carpets out and whatnot.

Tomorrow (actually now it's today) I'm going to finally seal my garage floor. Hopefully the weather will stay above the magic 50 degrees farenheit. Or else... You know, I don't really know what will happen. The labe just says to do it when the temp is above 50. (shrug) Who knows. Hopefully I'll be able to park in my garage say on Sunday.

OK, must go to sleep. I'll catcha later.



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