Thursday, October 17, 2002


I was delinquent yesterday and didn't write, but I had a good excuse - I was at the optical place at the mall trying to get outfitted with some new glasses, because my present ones are way scratched. Saw some really cool frames, saw some not so cool frames. How cool are the ones that are totally frameless and just have the center bridge part and the 2 side pieces. Totally swank. Alas, because of my silly industrial strength prescription, I was denied. However, I did end up picking a frame that was ok. The sucky thing about being blind as I am, you can't pick out new frames and get a good idea of how you look in them, because you can never really get a clear view of how you look in them. I miss having contacts. That was probably the best time I had picking out frames. With my contacts in, I could see everything clear as a bell. Soo, now I'll probably have to wait like a month before I see my new glasses, and see how I actually look in them. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I made a good choice.

So yesterday, my brother sent me a computer (we'll call it "factory refurbished") for my mom to use, as the current machine that she's been using is a whopping pentium 166 supercomputer. Although it is of the highest Sony quality, the computer has served our family well and is probably ready for retirement soon. But, as all of my computer installations and software reloads go, nothing is going smoothly. Ugh. I'm guessing the carrier who delivered it played "drop it from the truck" a few times, and the machine suffered internal damage. I can't even get the os to install properly. Sheesh.

Let's see, what else is new...

I've decided that my den in the basement is a big black hole. For those of you that have had the pleasure of seeing it, I'm sorry. Nobody should be subjected to it. But anyway, I swear I've put stuff on my desk, and it gets eaten. Poof. Gone. Nowhere to be found. I could be just losing my mind, but I will play the blame game and just say that the desk ate it. Or the gnomes. Whatever it is, I am losing stuff that I keep down there.

It's cold here. I think I'm dreading winter already.



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