Hi all,
Hope you're doing well this evening.
I don't know what it is about this week. It's been hell. After lunch today, it felt like my batteries were just dead.
(beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep) (flatline)I couldn't leave work fast enough. Come 5 o'clock, I was a bad corporate citizen and was walking towards the door.
The brightest part of the day was during lunch when the soup of the day was New England Clam Chowder.
Mmmm... Tasty!I think my lunchmates were quite amused (and mildly disturbed) at how excited I was over clam chowder. It was as good as expected too :)
This evening I was doing some poking around the internet for retirement and investment information. Quite a few of the diagrams used for illustrating things like stock market growth and the power of compound interest when you start saving early were very interesting. The resources were calculating growth based on an average of a 12% return.
Is that for real?I am no Steve Forbes or Donald Trump, but is that common? Returns ranging from 10 to 15%? It just seems really high. It would be great to get those types of returns, but I am not sure if it's actually probable.
I think after I get out of school, I will try my hand at investing, just for shits and giggles...
What else has been going on...
I've been extremely terrible this year about keeping up with everyone's birthdays. I've missed sending messages and whatnot out to quite a few of my friends.
I have a lot of friends who were born in March :)I had my second class on Thursday. It seems to be ok - for the parts that I was awake for. I've been getting into the nasty habit of falling asleep in front of the TV again after dinner. Grrr. I'm sure my nightly sleep patterns are being disturbed and are becoming wacked as well.
Anyway, about school - A part of our first assignment is to create a blog. Imagine that. So I was kind of torn - I wasn't sure if I should start a new one, or just publish this one. I decided on the former, since I'm sure I've bitched enough about school through my past year's blog entries ;)
Plus, I'm sure you could give a rat's arse about ecommerce and whatnot. If you are, I'll post the new url once I get everything setup on the other side :)