Monday, June 30, 2003

Hey all,

Hope all's well.

I got a chance to get back from work a little early today. So I was able to get some good treadmilling time in. It's been a while, but I think it was a good workout. I was watching the VH1 100 Sexiest Artists special. Just in case you were wondering, #1 was Madonna. ;)

OK, let's see what else...

On Sunday, I got a chance to do the 2 step wax process on the supaflyride. The car looks good. Afterwards, I did my requisite cruise around afterwards. Driving around, with no place to go - I dunno why I do it. Just to enjoy the cool evening and feel the wind blowing around me. That's why I need a convertible next :)

So while I was driving, I saw a car that I never knew existed: A Nissan 240sx convertible. The car was mint. I was pretty impressed. I pulled up beside the car and was asking the driver dude about it. The only person that didn't look very interested in our quick stoplight conversation was his female passenger. :)

I guess it's just a guy thing. Oh well.

I also got a chance to do some window shopping at the local car dealerships. I saw the two 2003 Mazda Miata Special / Limited Editions. Pretty sweet, I tell ya. I loved how low to the ground they were :)

Today I was getting into an elevator with a coworker - As we were waiting to get on the lift, a very lovely lady had just stepped off. As the doors were closing, we both were like "damn." Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the coworker that I was with was female :) Needless to say, I knew that she was a keeper ;) Too bad that she's married. Oh well.


Let me tellya. Science Club was never this fun.

Here's another photo contest / site that I got from my Yahoo Picks: it's the 800x600 project :)

Saturday, June 28, 2003

Hey all,

Hope you're doing well.

I love Saturday mornings where there's no plans. Nothing to do. I think it's probably one of my most favourite days of the week. It's because you con't have to wake up early to get to work or anywhere else. You just lounge.

I woke up around10ish today. Last night was really mild so I slept with the windows wide open. This morning was much cooler, so I was able to curl up under the covers and sleep in a little. Most excellent. Can't beat that.

Yesterday was Steve's birthday, so we hung out for a bit in the evening. We went to Buca di Beppo for dinner and had some awesome food. Too much, to be exact. I really like the place, but I think it would be cooler if it wasn't a chain restaurant. I dunno, it would just be more "quaint" if it was a more mom & pop type of place to eat. It seems like privately owned restaurants are becoming a thing of the past now. Not that I have anything against national / international-chain places of business ;)

Let's see, what else has been going on. Oh yeah, about the one that got away...

There's a lady at work that is trying to unload her 2000 Toyota MR-2 Spyder. It was yellow, too. But alas, it was too expensive for me. Not that I was in the market for one anyway :) I guess I didn't know I was until I passed by it and gave the lady a call to ask about it. Her sales tactics are working on me. I'm such a sucker for good marketing techniques.

Ugh, I haven't worked out in quite a few days again. I will have to treadmill tonight.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. At last! The day has finally come. I can't wait to have a weekend with fewer telemarketer calls :) Check out the Do not Call Registry. woo hoo! Take that pesky telemarketers! I'm going to bust some arse if you call me come October :)



I just spent that last hour or so troubleshooting the local network at the country home. What a pain in my ass. I was all relaxed from a nice evening of good food and Tazo Calm tea at Starbucks, so I thought I'd take a break before heading to bed to write a little in the blog (which I've pretty much neglected for the past week or so). Turn on the machine, no net access at all. Grrr.

After the magic combination of turning things on in a certain order (trying to get the right combo), I'm up and running on the wired connection again. I'm guessing the wireless connection will work as well, but I'll mess with it tomorrow. I'm just too tired.

Until tomorrow...

Thursday, June 26, 2003

Sometimes I wish I worked somewhere different. At an employer that had more short-term benefits. I'm not talking about health benefits and normal runof the mill stuff like that. I'm talking about the good stuff (the "extras" or "perks") that you may get on a semi regular basis. You know, like free tickets, discounts on stuff, etc.

It would be nice could get a discount on purchasing an automobile. Can you imagine what the parking lot at Rolls Royce looks like? If I worked for one of the big 3, I'd be able to get some kickass lease / purchase rates. If I worked for an electronics giant (like Sony), you can bet your ass that I'd be sporting some cool shite. I think even cooler would be a job where you could get some perks that you can pass along to friends and family.

This evening, I was talking to Laura about how she can indirectly get a new car discount from a family purchase program because someone in her immediate family worked for Ford. How cool would that be. You'd be able to get a new car without much haggling. Perfect.

And back in the day when you just knew someone that worked for a car company, and you could get some sort of friends and family discount? Those were indeed the good days.

Oh well. Maybe at my next job ;)

Monday, June 23, 2003

Hey all,

Hope you're doing well today. I'm writing so late this evening because of 2 reasons:
1) I have the day off tomorrow
2) I wanted to write while my thoughts while they were still fresh.

I write this to you with a happy heart. :) It's been a while, but it feels good. At least, I think I feel happy. Why? I just got back from Helen's wedding. I made my entertainment debut by doing some music playing and really light emceeing. Gotta give a shout-out to my cohorts Geneman and Jeff for all of their help this evening.

I definitely enjoyed the experience, but I'm glad it's over as well. Weddings can be quite crazy.

So anyway, the main reason why I wanted to write was because I wanted to record this feeling that I'm having of content. For the past few weeks, I've been becoming more anxiety-ridden about seeing my ex-girlfriend (a.k.a. the X) with her fiancee at Helen's wedding this past Sunday. Mentally preparing and bracing for the worst awkward moments, repressed anger and depression, etc., all of my worries were for pretty much nothing. She still was pretty genuine (as far as I could tell) and we carried on like good friends. For that one moment, I truly felt happy for her and I finally got the big C. Closure. Yes, that seven letter word made popular by Friends. I think, after almost 6 years, I finally have it. It's about freakin' time.

Seriously though, I missed her, in a totally different way. I missed having her in my life - not as a girlfriend, just as a friend. At the end of the night, I was a little bummed that I would probably never see her again, but I guess I was ok with that. I don't think I could ever call her up (nor would she call me), maybe just an exchange of e-mail here and there. We'll see, I guess. I'd be very curious to know how she felt about the whole situation tonight as well. I guess it'll just be a mystery for now.

OK, must go to sleep now. I'll probably write more late :)


Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Hey All,

Hope everything's groovy.

I've been a little scatterbrained (more than usual) as of late. Lots of stuff going on. Last week was Toronto, this week a few deadlines, and then the upcoming wedding which is giving me anxiety attacks. Not like hardcore up late at night kind of attacks, but just nervousness.

It's all about the music. What to play, what to play. How to transition. Playing music for a gig takes skillz. Ones that are often overlooked. I'm not going to be a rave DJ, nor will I be playing at a club. Just playing music for a gathering. It's tough making transitions and making sure levels are right and whatnot. It's going to be a fun challenge, though, that's for sure.

I went and picked up the speakers and amp and whatnot today after work. The rental place gave me the wrong mic cable, so I have to go back for that tomorrow - good thing I set everything up. I want to just pound music ouf of those lovely 15" woofers - I think the music will sound great. But alas, I had to set up at my parent's house (the country home) because I didn't think the house in the city's (my condo) neighbours would appreciate my loud thumping music.

I tried some light fading this evening, but that was about it. Unfortunately, I had to cut my night a tad short (well, kind of), because I have to be at work for an 8 o'clock meeting tomorrow morning. I'm usually still getting ready by then :)

I guess I'm also feeling a little nervousness about seeing my X for the first time in years. Probably about 3 or 4 years I'd say. And, as an added bonus, she'll be with her fiancee. Lovely. Hopefully things won't get too political.

Huh . What else has been going on - I put together one of my Ikea chairs today. I was totally sweaty and grimy from moving the music equipment around, but I thought I'd throw one together at my condo. I couldn't get the other one there, becuase the two cushions and both chairs wouldn't fit. I managed to get one chair and two cushions out there. Hopefully I can get the other chair built before Geneman comes over. We'll see. Maybe I'll build it this weekend. Pretty easy to build though, I can't complain.

Oh yeah, I know I never fully did justice to my Toronto trip. (insert scatterbraindness here). Anyway, I went to go see my relatives, right? Well one of them is an alternative medicine practitioner. Like with herbs and other stuff like that. She told me that my thyroid is all wacked (not enoug Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)) and that my Lymphatic system is all jacked up.

so I'm doing the Kelp pills, and this weird concoction/tea drink that is supposed to clear out my system. Not suer how it's going to clear it up. Everything still seems the same so far. We'll see.

Oh well, I better get going. I promised myself that I'd be in bed by 11 tonight.


Tuesday, June 17, 2003

A while ago, I signed up for Yahoo's Picks of the week. Here's a link to something that looked cool - I love when people are creative, even better if they share it - her site's called Skylight. Enjoy.

Sunday, June 15, 2003

Hey everyone,

OK, so where did I leave you last?

I really don't remember what happened on Friday. Nothing of note, I guess.

This weekend, my parental units decided that they wanted to go to Toronto to visit my relaatives. The trip was pretty much up in the air until like Friday when I got home from work. I wanted to go, but I had some other stuff to do, so the timing would have been better if we could have pushed the trip back a week maybe. Oh well. As an added bonus, my dad gave the approval to go to Ikea, (the furniture store of the Man) for some light shopping.

Saturday morning, we all got up and left for Toronto in the morning. Border crossing was a little odd - We caught the guy maybe 10 to 15 minutes into a shift change, so the border sphincter control was on super tight. We weren't pulled over or anything, but it just took a while for us at the booth. My dad used to travel a ton, and his passport is full of visa stamps - In fact, he's got so many that the passport people had to put in an "appendix" section towards the back of the passport so he could fit more stamps. Anyway, the agent hadn't seen this before, so he had to check it to make sure everything was legit.

So we're driving on the 402 through Canada - I swear, the first 3/4 of this road is the straightest stretch of road that I've ever driven on. So there's nothing to do but haul some major ass all the way through. thanks to a few Canadian drivers, I followed very fast drivers on the 401 and the 402, going much faster than I ever have in the soccer mom mobile. Probably faster than I've ever been in the supaflyride too.

Anyway, so my trip to Ikea (in North York) rates as probably one of the worst trips that I've ever had. The whole place was undergoing major renovations, so the parking situation was totally wacked. There was an enormous line to get into the parking lot, and an enormous line of cars to find parking spots. I was in parking hell for a while. Luckily, we found a place to park, swam throught the sea of people (the store was running some promotions, in addition to the nutty amount of people that are there on the weekends). Pure craziness. I've never seen so many people in one place in my life. The showroom was cool, but the Marketplace was out of control. I felt like I was going to run someone over with my cart. (has anyone ever noticed that all the ikea shopping carts have the same wheel squeak from the wheels on the floor)?

I was very turned off by the whole experience. I think Ikea will (for now on) be a weekday experience. None of this weekend crap.

However, I did end up piking up two of their trademark chairs, and a nifty novelty clock that they had. The chairs that I got are the Poang, which are the ones in the store where there's a machine that mimics that action of someone repeatedly getting up and sitting in a chair - I call it the butt stamping machine. The one at this particular Ikea was quite broken. I guess it was tired too.

Anyway, after that I visited with my cousins, had some good food, watched Two Weeks Notice, and went to bed. I was tired from driving that day and I knew that I'd be driving back as well. I'm surprised I haven't passed out by now.

Anyway, so this morning, I had my prerequisite Bubble Tea drink, did some more visiting, and we came home.

I'm quite tired.

I'm going to bed now :) I'll write more later.


Hey all,

Hope you're doing well. Greetings from Toronto! (well, a suburb of, actually)

I'm at my cousin's house again, playing their playstation and enjoying their stereo equipment - Oh yeah, I'm visiting them too ;)

I'll have to write more later - We're on our way out to the restaurant to have lunch and bubble tea!


Thursday, June 12, 2003

This will probably go down in my book as one of the coolest ad campaigns around.

Hi all,

Hope you're having a good night. It has been a very odd day for me indeed.

On two separate occasions during the workday (and by two people that most likely do not have any relation to each other - I say most likely because I can't really confirm this, but I'm fairly certain), two ladies totally called me out by saying that I looked really young. Like really young. Like High School young. On snap! Oh no she didn't!

One lady thought that I was someone's kid, just walking around the office (I had seen her a few times before). So after this incident, I just kind of blew it off - She was this Asian lady in a different department. I dunno, I think it's a cultural thing, but Asians have this thing with age. Like the older you are, the more respected you are. Which it seems like the total opposite in the US. I guess she thought I was low on the "needing respect" scale. So theoretically, I'd probably have to just take whatever she was dishing out to me since she was my elder. (shrug)

So fast forward to the afternoon...

The other lady was totally busting my balls in the middle of a meeting in a room where I only knew like 4 people out of the 15 or so that were in attendance. I didn't even know her (I think it would have been different if I had known her becuase I'd know if she was just joking around or was serious). I just sat there because I was stunned. At my previous employer, when stuff like that was said, you were pretty much expected to come back with something snappy as well. I wasn't sure what to do. I guess I was hoping that the HR police was going to bust down the door and haul her ass off to diversity training or something. Something where she had to watch a lot of boring videos and listen to guest speakers. No such luck. So I just kind of shrugged her off. I think I was better off just doing that - Hopefully the room (and my manager) thought so too.

So you guessed it - Now I have a complex. Again. Ugh. I had just kind of forgotten about it back in the day when being a young internet "professional" was cool and stuff. People were impressed - all you had to say was that you worked on stuff for the Internet and people would be wowed and have visions of dollar signs and young people driving fancy cars and shit. Just like how it was fantasized on TV. Like MTV Cribs or something.

I guess I had kind of forgotten - I mean, I get the feeling that I'm pretty young in my group and probably throughout the whole company. I'm not married, have no kids, etc., etc. Talks about soccer practice and crap like that doesn't interest me quite yet. So in the back of my mind, I sense the generation gap. But today was a blatant slap in the face - twice.

Maybe I'm making a bigger deal out of it than it has to be. But I guess that's why I threw my hat in bloggerdom. This way, I can get it out there, and move on. Plus it lets you see that even though I live like a rockstar, I'm just a normal person with regular problems too ;) heh. Riiight.

OK, so what else...

I got a letter from the X today. Probably the first real e-mail in years and years. It's sad, because while I was reading her e-mail, I seriously felt like I was reading something from a total stranger, not a long lost friend. I was saddened. Ahh well. Life goes on. It's too bad, really.

You may be asking why she's resurfaced after a long absence - Her best friend (who is a good friend of mine as well) is getting married next weekend. My X is the best lady. So, she'll be there with her fiancee. I'm going to be the guy playing music. Hopefully this combination does not make for awkward moments. We'll see.

Bye for now...


Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Hey all,

How's it going?

Of course, you'd think I just took it easy for dinner, but no - I followed my super salty lunch with a super salty plate of sampler plate of cold smoked fish. Craziness. I've never had anything like it before (other than smoked salmon) but this thing had a ton of stuff. It was tasty. Salty, but tasty.

Since I got home late, I didn't get a chance to treadmill today. Oh well... I won't be able to do stuff tomorrow either, since watercolor class is tomorrow. Alas.

I never thought I'd say this, but I like that new Jewel song, Intuition - It's got quite a pop sound to it (as opposed to her normal/past folksy sound), almost could be bordering on hip hop-ish. Wacky.

So I was thinking today - how exactly do you give a car as a gift? Is it all paid for when it's gifted? Do you lease it for a recipient? Or do you just make the car payments for the recipient? What about insurance? Just curious. Is there ever a time when the recipient has rejected the car (for legitimate reasons, of course)? Then what? If only I had those problems...

Anyway, I finally got to see the big whale tail on the back of a Porsche 911 deploy (swing up) for maximum engine cooling - a true sight to behold. I pulled into the slow lane to follow him down the road. I lost him when I got caught at a light. Bummer.

It's weird for me to talk with people about having kids and stuff. I know this is kind of random, but it's just weird. My friend Jarrett and his wife are having a baby towards the end of June. It's just weird - not because I don't think my friends should be having kids - rather that it makes me think that I'm still pretty far from that stage in my life. I guess that's one of the effects of having friends that are in different stages of life than I am. I mean, even things like marriage and whatnot still seem far off for me. Does that make sense? But then again I guess I'm glad that I'm not married - I would probably feel pressure to have kids or something. I'm single now, and when I look at my friends that are getting married, I sometimes feel like I should too. Not necessarily to follow, but I honestly feel that one should be in the same life stage as the people around you. It's hard to understand how people feel until you experience it yourself. Plus, when you have people around you that are going through the same thing as you are, you kind of have a built in support network.

Catcha later.


Holy moly. I just had the saltiest lunch in the world. I have a high tolerance of salt in my food (from living in the residence halls), so you know that if I say something's salty, it's got to be super salty. I must have a crizzazy amount of sodium in my body now. I hope I don't get sick or go into salt coma.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Hi everyone,

Hope everything's going funkadelic tonite.

Just a few random thoughts to start off:

It's funny how songs evoke certain emotions in different people. A fabulous love song to someone else can make one want to look around for sharp objects to poke one's eyes out. Make the music stop! Make it stop!

Can I just say that giving a Benzito CLK320 Cabby as a birthday gift (either to yourself or to someone else) is just wrong? There's just something inherently wrong with that whole concept. But hey, I guess if you're a baller, you have to live like one. ;) Did I ever tell you about that ring I saw at Tiffany's? ;)

I'm glad I didn't wash my car yesterday - it rained today. It was funny - it was not meant to be. I was outside checking out the supaflyride, right? I thought that the car was quite dirty, so I was going to get a quick rinse at the local machine car wash place. Once I got there, I was very unhappy to find that the place was closed (normally it's open till at least 9 or so). Oh well, I saved 3 bucks. :) Either that, or the car powers that be were upset that I wasn't going to hand wash this week. The silver lining is that I got a "natural" washing from the rain, I guess.

Today I missed 30 minutes of sleep. Seriously. Just 30 minutes. And I was dragging major arse all day. I had to go in early for a meeting, so I had to shift my schedule a little. And it kicked my ass. I was so unproductive today.

Sooo, I guess I better to go bed. Catcha later.


Saturday, June 07, 2003

Hey all,

Hope you're having a good weekend. I saw Drew today - My undergrad friend who spent 2 years in Japan. He works for Toyota, so he was over there for work. It was good to see him. Unfortunately, I had to cut the trip short because my cousins are supposed to be coming tonight for dinner.

I tried writing a short blog entry this morning, but something very bad was happening with blogger. I got some majorly wacked error messages.

Anyway, so were did I leave you last...

Since my dad is home, I utilized his handyman skills and had him install a few things at my condo. My coat rack and new deadbolt are installed. I know that if I had done it myself, it would take me forever.

So my mom, dad, and I were at my place yesterday, and I realized that how nice it was to have my mom and dad over. It made me realize that one day, I'd like to have a family of my own. You're probably thinking that the biological clock is ticking. Perhaps. Not that I'm saying that I want to get married and have kids now, but it just makes me think that I'd like to have a family of my own someday, that's all.

So Drew and I did my favorite Ann Arbor activities - Pancheros and Bubble Tea. And then, before we parted ways, we took a stop at the library - To pee ;) I was laughing to myself because here we were on this great place of academia, and we were just there to use the facilities.

Anyway, my cousins came by this evening to visit - Of course, we had to make a quick stop at the shopping mecca. Nothing was purchased though - It seemed to be a slow day for storepeople and customers. I guess the nice weather kept everyone away from being cooped up inside.

As we were driving, my cousin asked if I'd ever leave where I live now. I love the area, but eventually, I'd like to live on a lake. Unfortunately, there's not too many lakes around the city where I live. I hope to fulfill that dream someday.

I was talking to a coworker of mine about how nice it would be to have lake access and a boat - She just bought a jetski for her family, and can't wait to get it in the water. There are so many recreational things I'd like to do - I just need to find my most favorite and start building on it. I know people that work on cars, ride motorcycles, sail, boating, etc. It all interests me, but I want to start picking up one thing, learn more about it, and start up a magic hobby / interest.

Walking around Ann Arbor today, I felt like I'd lost touch with the free-spirited college student side of me. Maybe it's because I hadn't seen people wearing hippy-esque clothing in a while. Maybe I hadn't seen people with very dyed hair (we're talking un-natural fire engine red) in a while. I still looked like a college student - I was wearing my Tevas, shorts and a t-shirt, but maybe I've lost the mentality. Times have changed, huh. Maybe instead of by a lake, I should move back to Ann Arbor. Maybe it's time to put away my Birks and hemp clothes (just kidding). Never. You can take the boy out of Ann Arbor, but you can't take Ann Arbor out of the boy, I guess.

I know, I'm jumping all around here.

I was at the shopping mecca today and was just hanging out, talking with my cousin. I decided that whoever I date needs to realize that there are other colours of clothes besides black. Black is definitely a stylish, classy colour, but I like colour in my wardrobe. Blue, red, yellow (my favorite), purple, whatever.

OK, so let me back up here - where did all this come from. It all stemmed from a random IM I got from a "lady" (I say "lady" because you never know on the internet, especially with spontaneous IMs. The so-called "twentysome old lady" could be a 45 year old FBI agent or something). I never know what to do with these chat invitations, so in the beginning, I was more chance-taking, so I answered it. She was in big time man hunting mode so she just cut to the chase and asked me what I liked in a mate. To be totally honest, I've never really thought about it, per se. Other than the standard stuff - "You know, like has to be nice to me, likes me back, won't steal my stuff (heh), etc. It's not like I have a compiled list :) The first time I did see a compiled list online was on Which, as a sidenote, is one of the first blogs I ever read, which planted the seed of how I wanted to start my own blog someday. Her list of the perfect guy is an interesting read... I'm not sure if I want to start a list of my own sometime.

Anyway, the subject of what I look for in a SO (significant other) came up again while IMing with my neighbour a couple of months ago (I think she had visions of setting me up or something). Still, no concrete thoughts. I've often thought to myself how certain traits would be nice, but I guess I've never really seriously thought about it. Is that weird?

I think it's important to know what you want - it's kind of like when people write personal ads - I'm guessing you'd want to be fairly specific, since you'd want to weed out big turn-offs, right? Like body stank? Overpowering stank on a regular basis (or after showering, let's say) would be unacceptable for me. Things like smoking. Nope. Along the same lines, I think it may be dangerous if you get too detailed in your search criteria. There's a fine line... But I guess you never know - you may think you theoretically like a certain trait, but maybe you actually don't.

Maybe I'll compile a list sometime. We'll see. Maybe an Excel spreadsheet ;) Complete with cross referenced chart of importance on a 10 point scale. Heh. Just kidding.

Ahh well, thoughts for another day. I have to call Suzy now.


Friday, June 06, 2003

Today was the first sunny day we've had in what seems like a while. It couldn't have been more perfect - Sun, pay day, and jeans day. Life was good.

Anyway, because of the really nice weather, on my drive in I got to see some nifty cars. I guess
- Ferrari 512 TR or a Testarossa (going the opposite way)
- Porsche 911 Carerra
- BMW 7 series (latest body style)

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see the Porsche's bit whale tail flip up because we weren't going fast enough and he'd turned off on a different road after following him for a mile or two. Oh well...


Thursday, June 05, 2003

Hey all,

Today was the 3 month anniversary at the new gig. Nice. Well, at this point, it's not really new anymore. It's ok though. Some days it feels like I've been there a while, some days it doesn't. I think we all have our moments though.

So anyway, all this hullabaloo about Martha Stewart, huh. Can I just say that for someone that's supposedly 61 (per CNN), she looks really good. Maybe it's her money couding my judgement ;)

My open letter to Martha:

Ms. Stewart,

You are a lovely woman - If you're ever in the area, please feel free to give me a call. I'd be happy to show you around


I didn't look at her website that she's specially created for her recent behaviour, but I'm sure many people will start saying her design is a "good thing," and we'll all start to see all new web design trends stem from her site design.

It was pretty quiet at work today. Nothing too exciting. Watercolor class was aiight too. No complaints.


woo hoo! I just got 2 charry flavoured Starbursts in my fun size for today.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Hi everyone,

Hope everything's groovy. I always like to start with a salutation - I'm not sure why. Unless it's just a random thought. I always have those. But unfortunately, they just get stored in short term memory, and are lost forever.

I guess I just find it easier to feel like I'm writing to or talking to someone. I think it adds a personal touch. Anyway...

Things are slowing down at work. It seems with the shite economy, more and more things are being put on hold. Or shall I say the company is "focusing on different initiatives." You must love the corporatespeak. If you'd asked me to use words like "leverage" and "due diligence" a few years ago, I would have just given you a strange look because:

1) I would have no idea what the hell those words meant
2) And I would never want to learn the lingo of (and be a tool of) the Man.

Times have changed. You can only fight so much. ;)

Anyway, so we were taking a break from work and just chilling in the cafeteria today. For those of you that don't know, I'm a smell guy (not a smelly guy). I have a pretty sensitive nose - Which sometimes is good but sometimes very bad too, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, so we were talking about the way people smell - Whether it be natural (body scent) or augmented (bottled fragrance, soap / shampoo, etc.) My coworker had remarked how much she liked the natural scent of her husband. I think it's part of that body chemistry stuff. You know, pheremones and stuff like that. And I guess that's why different perfumes and colognes smell different on people. Huh. I guess that's another thing to write down on my list of traits for my perfect mate. Not that I would go around smelling people - Well, yeah, I probably would if it were more socially acceptable.

It just goes to show that personal hygeine can go a long way...;) Odiferous people take note. Nice smelling people are greatly appreciated.


Monday, June 02, 2003

Hey all,

Hope you're doing well. I'm chilling outside again. This time, it's lighter outside, and it's not as cold. I figure I'd get some writing in before I treadmilled.

Sunday was a one step wax day. I washed and waxed the supaflyride. Lookin good, I tell ya. I like shiny cars :)

So I washed the car around noon, was done by like 2ish or so. It was such a beautiful day outside that I could have done the 2 step process if I'd felt like it, but I wanted to be outside (you're supposed to wax your car in the shade - for me it's the garage). Anyway, I wanted to be outside, so I took the sunroof off, rolled down the windows, and just went cruisin'. With no destination in mind, no place to be, I drove around, got some sun, wind, loud music, all around the 'hood. Good stuff, I tell you. I even stopped by some of the auto mall places, just to see if there was anything interesting.

The entire day I was just dragging. I wanted to take a nap, but I didn't really want to. So today, I'm dragging arse as well.

So yeah, if you read the blog entry below, I finally got to see a version of the spinny wheels that I've only seen videos of. I say a version of because I'm pretty sure they weren't Davin wheels. But I dunno, they could have been - I'm not as familiar with their product line as I could be ;)

So I was at one of the local retail stores around me, and the owner was walking around in the bed of his Pearlescent White Escalade EXT. He was opening it up to load in the huge television that he just bought. I was walking out of the store, so I put the stuff that I bought into my car, and walked over. The conversation pretty much went like this:

Me: "Can I check out your truck? I've never seen one converted."
Other Dude: (mumbling) "Sure."

(he told me a little about how it converts from a swanky sport ute into a pickup)

Me: "Hey, are these the spinny rims?"
Other Dude: (mumbling) "Ya"

Me: "Can I spin them?" (if you know me, you wouldn't be surpirsed that I ask this - I like my experiences to be "interactive" :)
Other Dude: (mumbling) "Sure."

So of course, I had to spin them. As if I was spinning the Price is Right wheel, I stuck my finger in one of the gaps and just gave the spinny a whirl. And then the "dopeness" began. I felt a slight breeze and heard a Jay-Z song. Sweet.

From the reaction that I got from him, I'm not sure if he was just trying to maintain his "image" and play it off like it was no big thang. Or maybe he's been asked about his ride many a time, and he's just tired of it. I'm sure tons of Asian guys come up to him all the time and ask to spin his rims. Heh. Maybe he was just trying to get his TV home.

Anyway, I'm sure I would have gotten a lot more attention if I was in a honey in my honey clothes. Oh well.

The spinny rims were going the whole time until I got in my car and pulled out of the parking lot. I tell ya, everyone should see these wheels in real life. To bad my car can't fit 24's ;)


Hey all,

Hope you're doing well. I'm chilling outside again. This time, it's lighter outside, and it's not as cold. I figure I'd get some writing in before I treadmilled.

Sunday was a one step wax day. I washed and waxed the supaflyride. Lookin good, I tell ya. I like shiny cars :)

So I washed the car around noon, was done by like 2ish or so. It was such a beautiful day outside that I could have done the 2 step process if I'd felt like it, but I wanted to be outside (you're supposed to wax your car in the shade - for me it's the garage). Anyway, I wanted to be outside, so I took the sunroof off, rolled down the windows, and just went cruisin'. With no destination in mind, no place to be, I drove around, got some sun, wind, loud music, all around the 'hood. Good stuff, I tell you. I even stopped by some of the auto mall places, just to see if there was anything interesting.

The entire day I was just dragging. I wanted to take a nap, but I didn't really want to. So today, I'm dragging arse as well.

So yeah, if you read the blog entry below, I finally got to see a version of the spinny wheels that I've only seen videos of. I say a version of because I'm pretty sure they weren't Davin wheels. But I dunno, they could have been - I'm not as familiar with their product line as I could be ;)

So I was at one of the local retail stores around me, and the owner was walking around in the bed of his Pearlescent White Escalade EXT. He was opening it up to load in the huge television that he just bought. I was walking out of the store, so I put the stuff that I bought into my car, and walked over. The conversation pretty much went like this:

Me: "Can I check out your truck? I've never seen one converted."
Other Dude: (mumbling) "Sure."

(he told me a little about how it converts from a swanky sport ute into a pickup)

Me: "Hey, are these the spinny rims?"
Other Dude: (mumbling) "Ya"

Me: "Can I spin them?" (if you know me, you wouldn't be surpirsed that I ask this - I like my experiences to be "interactive" :)
Other Dude: (mumbling) "Sure."

So of course, I had to spin them. As if I was spinning the Price is Right wheel, I stuck my finger in one of the gaps and just gave the spinny a whirl. And then the "dopeness" began. I felt a slight breeze and heard a Jay-Z song. Sweet.

From the reaction that I got from him, I'm not sure if he was just trying to maintain his "image" and play it off like it was no big thang. Or maybe he's been asked about his ride many a time, and he's just tired of it. I'm sure tons of Asian guys come up to him all the time and ask to spin his rims. Heh. Maybe he was just trying to get his TV home.

Anyway, I'm sure I would have gotten a lot more attention if I was in a honey in my honey clothes. Oh well.

The spinny rims were going the whole time until I got in my car and pulled out of the parking lot. I tell ya, everyone should see these wheels in real life. To bad my car can't fit 24's ;)


I guess in a way it's kind of sad when the highlight of your day is checking out a dude's pearlescent white Escalade EXT with the spinny wheels. in the store parking lot :)

I got to spin them too. The guy probaly thought that I was freaky.

Sunday, June 01, 2003

Hey all,

Hope you're having a good weekend. It's pretty early now - Normally, I'd be sleeping until noon-ish.

My mom and I went to go pick up my dad at the airport this morning. Pretty damn early. His plane came in from LAX at like 5:40 a.m. Nutty. I'm a little tired. I didn't get too much sleep last night either.

Friday night / Saturday morning, I went to sleep at like 3:00 a.m. One of my mom's flowers bloomed and I spent a good 3 hours trying different ways to take pictures of it. No matter what I did, I wasn't satisfied. It was kind of maddening. I seriously took a truckload a pictures. Even on fully automatic, I was still not getting the look that I wanted. The pictures would look good on the tiny lcd screen, but it looked crappy on the regular screen.

So, I went to sleep at 3, had to get up Saturday morning about 6 hours later to do some administrative stuff, and go meet up with Nichole in Rochester. By some weird fluke, I managed to get to Starbucks 30 minutes before I need to be. I guess stuff didn't take as long as I thought it would. Anyway, I just took the extra time to sit in one of the comfy armchairs and just relaxed. I did some light surfing on my new phone (but got bored pretty easily), so I started to pepole watch and started to doze off (surprise surprise) here and there..

I was there for a good 45 mins to an hour before Nichole showed up, sipping on my Tazo Zen Tea. The best thing about Starbucks is that the whole experience feels familiar and comfortable. Even though I'd never been to this particular cafe before. I dunno, I guess if you've been to one Starbucks in Michigan, you've been to all of them - They all have that same type of look that I love.

Anyway, we tried to go see Finding Nemo but we ended up not going because the theater looked super busy. Maybe not on opening weekend. We did some light shopping, drank some beverages, and had some dessert. Good stuff.

Not sure what's on the schedule for today. A nap probably. It's a tad cold though. I probably need to wash my car - I haven't done it in a week or so.
