Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Things not to steal.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

4.5 weeks of class down.  I can't wait for this term to be over, lemmetellya.

So this morning, I hear on the news that there was a shooting over someone stealing "tires."  That's what the newslady said.

Is it just me, or are there many many things wrong with stealing tires?

I'm going to give the criminal the benefit of the doubt - we'll say he/she was stealing rims, lets say.  As we all know, custom rims are pretty pricey - going from say, 100 bones a piece to sky high multi-thousand davin rims.

Anyway, so it got me thinking - apparently, my mind is pretty active in the morning - who knew?

If I were to steal something from a car, probably the last thing I'd steal is rims.  Working alone, that's a ton of work (and requires a lot of equipment).  Picture this:

You'd need the follwoing:
- a NASCAR style floor jack
- a big vehicle to carry around the rims that you've stolen
- a tire iron / wrench of some sort that could get lug nuts off quickly
- 4 cinder blocks per car

So what are we talkin here - I'd need some sort of truck or van to cart all this crap aruond, right?

OK, so let's say somehow you have all the equipment, including a swank panel van to move it all around in. 

(Again, working alone.)

OK, so you stop the van, get out the floor jack.  You gotta get it under the car, and crank a few times.  Provided that the owner doesn't have some sort of lock on their lug nuts, you have to break them free.  Times 4 or 5.  Then you have to try and get the tire off.  Anyone whose changed a tire before knows that wheels are pretty hard to get off a car if they haven't been rotated in a while.

Once you finally get the tire off, you gotta put the cinder block down, release the jack, and let the car back down.

(1 down, 3 to go)

Now lets say you've been lucky, and you get one or two off with no problem.  Don't you think someone would notice that you're taking all the wheels off a car?

(hmm, maybe he is swapping his tires for cinderblocks)

Even if you had one of those air compressor tool kits (another thing to lug around in the van).  Woudln't someone notice the trademark airhammer sound?

come on.

I just don't get it.

Even if you had a whole team of people working on one car - someone's gotta notice, right?  Even way early in the morning?

Plus, you have to be relatively careful with getting the rims - nobody's going to buy rims that are all scratched up and dented.

Being a thief is tough.

Now if you were steaing tires (for real), that's even more work!  I guess you'd take the whole wheel to your shop where you have the tire and wheel separator tool thingy (I am sure there's some sort of technical name, just don't know it)

Anyway, the moral of the story is - don't steal rims

Woo hah.  That was a long story.

So I was out with my group members today and I was complaining about how I need to get more sleep - and were discussing why I never get to sleep earlier.

I think I'm addicted to the internet.

I was joking that I need one of those parental control programs where it shuts down the computer at 11:30 p.m. or so.

Warning!  Warning!  System will shut down in 5 minutes)

So, I'm going to make more of an effort to unplug earlier in the evening.  Like 11:30 or so.  Think it's going to work?

I may have to resort to the patch.



Monday, July 26, 2004

Curious Kirk.

Hey all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.  Just a few quick notes before going to bed.

I'm going to try and get to bed early tonite.  Hopefully by midnite (instead of half past as usual).

I'm going to start having 2 offices soon - We recently had a reorg, and now our group is theoreticlaly combined with another group, but we're physically separated in two buildings, each across the street form each other.  See a problem here?

It's like that evolutionary biology phenomenon that I learned about (kind of) in undergrad.  You know, where one species of X got split up by some landform (e.g., mountain), and then each evolves a bit differently?)  Come on bio majors - you know what I'm talkin bout, right?

Ummm,  riiight.  Obviously I remember it so well

So yes, my theory is that even though our two groups were merged together in the org chart and on paper, the two groups will never fully combine into one if they're physically separated.  Makes sense?  Even if they're separated by a street.

I'm going to start spending time at my current cube and at one across the street.

Enough bio talk.  Booooring.

Actually, the next thing I was going to talk about was biological in nature as well.

So the visit with the very pregnant Laura.  She and her husband were on their way back to Ohio from visiting their parents in Jackson.  Anyway, so we met up in Ann Arbor so I didn't have to drive out there, and it was kind of on the way home for them.

Anyway, Laura knows me very well, and she was such a good sport.  She let me poke and prod at her big belly.  If it helps you picture it, she's due in Sept, so she's about 2 months or so away?

I was amazed at how solid her belly was.  Seriously.   Of the people I know that have been pregnant, I've never known anyone well enough to cop a feel of da belly.  So with her permission (and the careful chaperoning of her husband), I poked and I saw.  Apparently she was used to this type of treatment - she gets such handling from her family and friends as well.

I don't know what I was expecting.  I thought it would have give like a beach ball.  But no, it was more solid, somewhere between a basketball (without the black lines and little bumps of course) and one of those reddish/brownish "kick balls" that we used to have in grade school.

Ahh, the wonders of childbirth.

On that note, I will sign off. :)



Kirk Tsai's day off.

Hi everyone,

I didn't think it was possible, but I have taken the last 24 hours off.  No school stuff at all.

I loved it.  And I'm not ashamed to say it either.

Well, ok I lied.  I did do one thing - I had to submit my group project, but that was it.  Honest.

If only every day were like today.

I was in Ann Arbor for a large part of the day today - I saw the very pregnant Laura and her husband for lunch and a stroll around the mall.  Afterwards I went to go see Drew - Of course we got bubble tea.

Not a bad way to spend a Sunday.  Back to work tomorrow, sadly.



Saturday, July 24, 2004

Random product reviews.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.  Another perfect day weatherwise.  Made me long for a convertible.  I was giving the evil eye to people that had convertibles but didn't have their tops down.

Not much to say this evening, but I have a couple of product revies:

Doritos - Guacamole flavor
Pretty tasty, as long as you get them straight from the bag.  If I just saw them sitting around, I'd mistake them for moldy chips - Seriously.  If mold could grow on chips, I think that's what they'd look like.

Off brand, Listerine mouthwash - Orange flavor
I was interested to see how one could get a clean feeling mouth with a citrus flavor.  Interestingly enough, the orange concoction has really taken the bite ouf the stereotypical "mediciney" taste commonly associated with Listerine products.  The weirdest thing is, the first time I smelled it (and consequently every time I use it), it reminded me of that "Orange Drink" that came in those McDonalds red and yellow cooler / juice dispensers (remember those) that we used to get after various school functions.

That's all for today, folks.

I'll be seeing the pregnant L on Sunday so I have to get all my schoolwork done tomorrow (Saturday).



Thursday, July 22, 2004


Hi all,

Hope you're doing well. 

You gotta love Michigan weather.  This afternoon it was a nasty 90 degrees.  This evening?  60.  Love it.

it makes for good sleeping.

So the news of the day is that my good friend from grad school (the first time), JDizzle, is getting married. 

Tomorrow morning.

He let me know a few weeks ago, in a very matter of fact sort of way (starting his statement with "So..." - I thought it was very humorous - but very JDizzle.  It's going to be a small ceremony, at an undisclosed location, so the press will not find him.  He doesn't want all the press coverage that the other archivist moguls get.

I was talking to him today and was saying that after tomorrow, he could no longer use his ghetto name of JDizzle.  He would have to use his suburban name of John. :)

(sigh)  My friends are growing up so fast (tear).

What else..

I don't understand how people can wear long sleeve shirts in the summertime.  Today I was supposed to go to a meeting where some upper management types were supposed to be attending.  so I thought I'd be a good corporate citizen of the Man and put on the uniform - I had the white shirt on for (seriously) 2 mninutes, and I had to take it off because I was too damn hot wearing the shirt.  I felt I was on the verge of sweating. (yuck)

I ended up wearing the standard Man issue polo shirt - which was fine because I ended up not going to the meeting because I had too much stuff to do and probably would have fallen asleep.

So glad tomorrow's Jeans day Friday.  It seems like the rest of the week is downhill after Wednesday's class.



Wednesday, July 21, 2004

One-quarter offroading.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.  It's been kind of rainy so the weather's kind of cooled down.  And besides, the grass could really use the water.

I feel like I haven't written in a while, but it's not really that bad, I guess.

I've been on the downlow as of late on everything.  Keeping in touch with people, getting out and doing stuff, etc.  It's like I'm in hiding.

Yesterday I accidentally took the supaflyride offroading in a flowerbed at the local shopping mall. 


Unfortunately I was dumb and decided to pull into an angled parking spot going the wrong way.  I was fine until (the perfectionist that I am), I tried to straighten the car out.  That's when the wheel hopped the small curb that surrounded the left side of the parking spot and went bloop!  into the flowerbed.

Dirt was all over the front quarter of the car.  I'm talking about a half inch of dirt covering the wheel, the wheel well, under the car, and of course, on top of the car as well.  I was terrified I was going to be stuck in this flowerbed because it was so over watered and it was just muddy.  Luckily I was eventually able to back out ok, but the nasty and loud scraping sound that I heard the entire time was not a happy sound, that's for sure.

I'll have to make sure that I still have the bottom of my car intact.

As an added bonus, my mom was in the car - she was a little freaked out, but I think we had a good laugh when we got out of the car to look at how caked with dirt it was.

I had to spend over 15 minutes hosing the car off.  The driveway just had puddles of mud all over the place.  The dirt was a high quality topsoil - it seemed very rich and full of nutrients.  So organic.

Luckily it's raiing ouside so hopefully all the evidence on the driveway will get washed away.

In other car news, today I heard the car behind me get rear ended while sitting at a stoplight. 

It was kind of creepy.  It wasn't a huge accident, it was more of a car love tap without the love.

3.5 weeks of class down.  Much more to go, sadly.

I'm having second thoughts about the specialization of my degree - Security is really not doing it for me - it's actually becoming quite painful.  Whatever I do, I'll have to decide quickly, cause I'm officially at the fork in the road at the end of this semester - when I choose my specialization.

Better be off to bed now.



Monday, July 19, 2004

Where has the weekend gone?
Hi all,
Hope you had a nice weekend.
Just a few quick notes before going to bed.
Saturday night I went to a Tigers game with the crew - it was pretty fun.  But it reminded me why I can only stand one baseball game every few years :)
What the game needs is a fast forward button.  I'd settle with a x2 button.
There was quite the fireworks display after the game - I was quite impressed because I thought it was going to be a quick 5 minute, wham bam, thank you ma'am show.  But it turned out to be a good 15 minutes or so maybe even longer, with some nice fireworks.  I really dig the white ones and the super white with a blue tinge fireworks.
This weekend was spent studying and doing more schoolwork (again).  One thing that is for sure is when I'm done with this madness of school, I hope that I will learn now to value my weekends more.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Hi all,
Hope you're doing well this evening.
It's Friday nite - What am I doing?  I just finished learning this week's lessons from my security class. 
Woop de doo.
I'm such a playa. ;)
A coworker lent me some of her Beatles CDs.  Lemme tellya, there are some very odd songs on those CDs :).
I occasionally take a break from radio when I get all Ushered out.  You can only hear so many of his confessions and his burning.
You could tell it was a Friday today - At the end of the day our conversation strayed far far away and we were talking about breast implants and stick-on support. 
Random indeed.
Combined with jeans day and payday, I'd say we were all pretty happy. 

Weather permitting, I hope to be at my 3rd Tigers game ever tomorrow (Saturday) nite.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Momentary Relapse
I can still vividly remember.  The sound of the sea and the seagulls.  Walking on the beach.  Feeling the sand and the small pebbles in between my toes. 
The beach stretched as far as the eye could see.
It was early afternoon, going into late.
I still remember the slimy feel of my legs after stepping out of the salt water and how I thought it felt gross.  I remember how the salt water made my legs sting.
I was too dumb to realize that I too late and had already lost her.
Now I remember why I don't like salt water very much.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Breakfast with the Chief.

Hey all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

2.5 weeks of class down! Only 8.5 more weeks to go. Heh.

So what's on the mind tonight.

I've still not been feeling like myself. Not sure why. I have a feeling lack of sleep may have something to do with it, but I'm not quite certain.

I was a total space cadet this morning. Just totally spacey.

So yesterday I attended a breakfast where the "Chief Yahoo" spoke. Seriously, that's how they introduced him - I got to hear Jerry Yang, one of the founding dudes of Yahoo!, speak at an AdClub breakfast function. It was neat to hear him speak. He was very comfortable, low key, and casual. None of the dotcom rah rah bullshit I was used to from back in tha day. I know the setting was totally different (I wasn't listening to the standard corprate speech), so I don't know how he is with his employees. I would imagine he's the same way behind closed doors as well.

I guess I'll never really know for sure. (sigh)

The chief talked about the future of marketing, internet trends, etc. Nothing too groundbreaking, but it was interesting to listen to nonetheless. The main takeaway was this: Kids that are going off to college this year have hardly any idea what life is like without the Internet.

Feel old? I feel a no shoes, uphill both ways story a brewin'

Anyway, my former coworker, P, invited me to the function - I got a glimpse into how the "other side" lived.

The grass is always greener on the other side.

You know what? You bet your ass it was greener. We're talking golf course grade.

Seriously though, just a whole different crowd. (read between the lines)

Obviously, you never know if it's really a front, but everyone that I met seemed to be very pleased and passionate (at least semi-passionate) about their jobs. Don't get me wrong - for the most part I like my job, but I don't like like it.

Ya hurd?

Anyway, so P's company bought up like 3 tables at this function. And where did we sit? Front row and center. If we were at a comedy show, everyone at our table would have been fair game.

the food was pretty tasty. The venue was nice as well.

It's weird to go into a hotel and not stay there. I was impressed as how nice it was inside. I'd been there one time before (for MZ's wedding) but for some reason I hadn't paid attention, or went in through the servant's entrance or something. Not sure.

So of course, we got to take home some Yahoo! gear. In the schwag bag was a T-shirt, a sticker, and a nifty clear purple frisbee. Plus, I got a chance to be out of the office! Not a bad deal for just knowing people ;)


Monday, July 12, 2004

I think I'm in love... with Sears.

Hi all,

hope you're doing well this evening.

I'm diggin' the warm days and cooler nights. That's the way summer should be.

So I was doing my monthy exercise on the treadmill and while I'm doing my fast walk, I hear a loud CRACK. I wasn't quite sure what it was, cause everything was still working. But I start to notice that the belt (that you run/walk on) is slowly shifting to the left.

I figured the rollers were probably out of alignment, so I stopped using it. I wasn't going to spend time and troubleshoot just then, so I thought I'd leave it till another day - I was sweaty and am usually low on patience when I'm that way :)

Anyway, so I took a look at it today, and saw what had cracked - The plastic part that secures the roller at the back of the treadmill (farthest away from the motor) had cracked on the left hand side. Why is it plastic? I have no idea. I'm sure there's some physics or engineering reason for why, but whatever.

I tried calling the friendly people at Sears and the people on the phone said that it would be about $90.00 just to have someone come out. That didn't include parts or labor.

Come on.

Ameriturd (my former phone company) used to charge $68.00 for a service call! I don't get it.

So for shits and giggles, I decided to go online and poke around. Apparently, Sears has quite the robust site for parts for stuff that they sell (parts is parts).

As long as you hae your product's model number.

So I had to hunt around for this crazy thing. I only knew the brand of the treadmill, and that was it...

But then the light went on (ding!) the owner's manual!

Luckily, I still had it - It was exactly in the same place I left it when I first bought the treadmill 4 years ago (heh).

So whaddya know - Those crazy model numbers do mean something - I mean come on, what else could 831.299470 (I'm not making that up) mean? In Sears-speak, it corresponds to Pro-Form 745CS.

So the love affair starts...

I've marvelled about this before, but I'm doing it again because I must have forgotten - Like the garage door opener trouble that I had however long ago, I found that I could buy pretty much any replacedment part of my treadmill that I wanted to.

They even had these swank line diagrams to help me find exactly what part I needed.

I'm so geeked.

So I just ordered the part today - So hopefully it'll ge here soon, and my "regular" monthly exercise routine can start back up again...

So now, whenever I need to buy householdey type stuff, I'm going to Sears. I appreciate how they service (or help you service) what they sell, instead of the current "replace it" mentality that goes with a lot of electronics these days.


Sunday, July 11, 2004

Message #501!

Hi everyone,

hope you're doing well this cool, a little rainy evening.

Just for fun, I was looking at my blogger profile, and I saw that I've had 500 posts! Crazy. I can't believe I've been at this for long.

Anyway, so a few months ago, I turned on the blogger comments, and have been bummed about how nobody ever leaves me comments (I know, whine whine). But you know what? It turns out some people have! I'm so excited.

How nice.

Anyway, so thanks to everyone who has taken some time out of your busy lives to send me a comment. I feel loved. :)

So let's see, what's on the mind tonight.

I finished most of the stuff that I wanted to do today homework wise. I was actually good and finished my 3 assignments yesterday! It should be a record or something. I've never been that focused my whole academic career this time around. Don't get me wrong, I didn't work all the way through it, but I was sticking to the task more than usual.

I moved my bowling ball to the closet. It'll be ready and faithfully waiting for the day that I go bowling. I've already reserved some time with Steve and Elizabeth to go bowling. I can't wait.

I wonder if there's anything special I need to do for the care and feeding of a bowling ball...

Back to work tomorrow...


P.S. I figured out what the humming noise was - the fan that I'm using makes the noise as it's oscillating back and forth :)

Mmmmmmmmmmm (pause). Mmmmmmmmmmm (pause). Mmmmmmmmmmm (pause)...

For the past hour, that's all I've been hearing.

but I can't seem to find where this low frequency sound is coming from. It sounds like someone's opening and closing a garage door.


I want English voicemail!

I called my friend Kim in the UK today, and I got her mobile's voicemail. And instead of being "answered" by voicemail, my call got "diverted" to it. Plus it was spoken in an English accent!

Love it.


Saturday, July 10, 2004

A whole new level of Target impulse buys.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

I got to a new level of obscure impulse buys at Target today.

It's not automotive neon.
Nor is it a LED shift knob.
Nor is it Snow Tiger print seat covers.

I bought a Bowling Ball.

Ahhh, so you didn't know I was a bowler, huh?

I'm not.

But you know I'll be ready if I ever do pick up the sport.

It's an Ebonite Zoom black and blue swirl glow ball. It's swank.

So a message to Geneman. Next time you're in town...

Bring it.

(I may not know how to bowl, but I can talk trash ok.)


Not myself

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

Every time there's a 4 day workweek, I have these dreams of having a nice, easy week - not so much.

For the past two days I haven't felt like myself. I've been feeling wiped out. Always sleepy at work, trouble concentrating...

And yet I am blogging now? Shouldn't I be sleeping?

Yes, I need sleep badly.

Yesterday (Thursday) felt like a Friday. Today was just kind of an odd day for me - I couldn't get out of the office fast enough. Nutty.

I didn't finish my online lecture stuff for school tonite. Kinda sucks. I'll have to do it all tomorrow, and finish up the 3 assignments. Bleh.

Another great day weatherwise - None of the rumored hot weather. It warmed up from yesterday, but not too bad. I approve :)

This has been a great summer for convertible drivers.

So jealous.


Thursday, July 08, 2004

Michigan weather and fish stories

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well on this chilly evening. I can't believe that it's July and I have a blanket over my legs because it's that cold. The worst part is that it's supposedly going to be almost 90 degrees tomorrow. Crizzazy.

If only it were mild all year round.

So Brian's off on vacation tomorrow and all of next week. Today we were talking about his fishing adventures, and he was showing me pictures of this huge fish that he caught.

The funny thing (to me, at least) was that he catches them and throws them back. Which is (I think) a good thing, right? Just fishing for sport or whatever.

But I started thinking - What does it feel like for the fish? And then after they get thrown back, do they communicate what happened?

I could only imagine what the conversations were like...

Fish 1 to his buddy:
"Duuude, you will not believe what just happened to me! It was getting something to eat. It looked so good! All of a sudden, I was pulled somewhere. I saw light, had trouble breathing, saw flashes of light, and then next thing ya know, I was back in the water... Plus my tongue really hurts!"

So this "catch and release" fishing is great and all, but you'd hope that the fish would get wiser and see the warning signs... But I could just imagine conversations at the bar afterwards...

Fish 1: "Dude, it happened to me again!"
Fish 2: "You're a dumbshit - Come on, man - that's the 3rd time this week! You fall for it every time."
Fish 1: "I know, I know, but I was hungry!"
Fish 3: "How's your tongue?"

(end scene)

A little window into the imagination of Kirk Tsai. Be scared.

I tried to be a good school citizen today and get through some of the lessons - I could only stomach 2 out of the 3 packets of presentations. I guess I know what I'll be doing tomorrow and the rest of the weekend. I still have 2 papers to write, and a few short essays.



Wednesday, July 07, 2004

You know what they say...

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this cool and windy evening.

Just a few notes before heading off to bed.

What's on the mind today...

So I was driving home from class this evening, right? I was siting at a light, waiting to make a left. In the next lane over, there was this fullsize Dodge Ram Truck. You know what I'm talking about. One of those 1500's or whatever. The roofline of the tintmobile probably barely met the middle of her door. I caught a glimpse of the driver - it wa a young lady (she caught me scoping, unfortunately) - But that's not the point. Anyway, the light change and we went on our merry ways.

But driving home, it made me wonder. You know what they say about dudes that drive big vehicles, right? They probably haul a lot of stuff. Riiight. Anyway, so does the same hold true for women drivers as well? Are they theoretically compensating for the same thing? It make sense, in a roundabout sort of way. Or am I totally wrong and it's really something else?

Hmmm. Interesting.


Tuesday, July 06, 2004

It's the time of the season for cruising...

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

Just a quick note before going to bed.

I am a sucker for a good ad campaign. Check out the LoveMercedes campaign.

I want to be that guy.


Got a chance to cruise this evening - another perfect evening for a windows down, sunroof open, music blasting drive around town...


Ooh! Three new messages! Oh wait, it's just spam.

Stupid spammers.

(grumble grumble)


Monday, July 05, 2004

What to do, what to do.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

So I've spent most of the day today going over my reading from last week and prereading for this week. I'm tired. So, I've worked pretty much all day. Not saying I worked hard all day, I'm going to leave it at "worked."

So, I figured I'd just take the evening off and just relax.

So now what?


Sunday, July 04, 2004

Happy 4th of July!

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening. If your 'hood is anything like mine, there's random fireworks going off here and there.

Today was an odd day weatherwise. It was sunny, then it wasn raining like mofo. Then it was sunny. Then it was raining.. Then it was... You get the idea. I must have opened and shut the window at least 5 times today.

Finally, Mother Nature made a decisions and gave us some nice (but windy) weather that was quite comfortable.

On MTV they were showing a Cribs marathon. It's such a great show - I'm not sure why I stopped watching it (shrug). Maybe too much of a good thing.

The original plan was to do some work this afternoon and take the evening off, but it didn't work that way. I ended up talking on the phone and IMing people for a large part of it. Oh well, no biggie. At least there's the bonus day tomorrow :)

Not much to report this evening - It was kind of eerie driving around town today. There was hardly anyone around. It was as if I was driving around like 5 or 6 in the morning on a weekend. Nutty. Not that I do that on a regular basis or something :)

When I finish with school, I'll have to plan some vacations away. Recently I've been envious of people that have big plans for the 3 day weekends, or just vacations in general. In the past, it hasn't really bothered me that I don't go anywhere special during my vacations. I like just putzing around at home. Maybe I'm getting some sort of travel bug. I wouldn't mind taking a weekend trip up north, or a longer vacation out west or east. There's something nice about just relaxing at home, but I think going somewhere is nice too. I'll have to try that sometime.


Thursday, July 01, 2004

Supply and demand breaks down.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well. Surprisingly, It's really cooled down. Can't complain about that. I'd been spoiled by the super mild weather, so now that the humid hot stuff is coming, I'm not loving it as much.

Today was a pretty perfect day weatherwise. You could tell everyone thought so too, because the convertible tops were down, the management execs on the motorcycles were out, and the "I only drive this car when the weather's absolutely perfect and there's negative chance of rain" cars were out.

So yesterday was the first day of my second class (it's not virtual). The teacher seems to be pretty cool. One minor surprise - We need to get another book. Somewhere a ball was dropped, and when the earlybirds were shopping for books, we didn't know that an extra book was added.

So the instructor asked us to go out to the bookstore during our break and get the book. So like kids on a field trip, we filed into the bookstore...

And of course they ran out.

You guessed it. As luck would have it, the guy in front of me got it. And I was left with nothing.

The dude at the desk told us that the books wouldn't be available until early next week. Which didn't help us at all since we needed the books in class. Grrr.

(gripe alert)

So ok, let me get this straight. The bookstore knows that there are x people taking the class. We're using a book that's out of print reprinted in a coursepack. So they pretty much know that we're screwed and we'll have to buy the book from them, right? So freakin order enough books for everyone!

I was really irritated by the whole thing, if you couldn't tell.

The funniest thing is that it's a business school bookstore. Go figure.


The class was fine. I had to furiously take notes all during class, but life went on.

Yesterday was weird. I felt like I was in space cadet mode. Like I was not myself. I think after the whole book incident I just became more edgy. It was a mix of the stress of being back in school, working until midnight every night since Monday on school stuff. (I even missed my Sex in the City on Tuesday) :(

I took a break from school today though.

I watched more TV and actually got a chance to treadmill for a bit.

Let's see, what else...

Today a few management types at the office brought in their motorcycles - It was like a mini Harley Davidson show. It's funny to watch these middle aged dudes change from their shirts and ties into jeans, leather vests and bandanas.

No fringe, luckily.

I just found the whole thing humorous, for some reason. Not sure why.

When did I get my windows tinted? Last month? Since then, I've been driving around with no CDs in the car. About 6 months ago, I bought one of those easy steal CD wallets to put my car CDs into. Around the time I got my windows tinted, I figured that I'd put my CDs into the wallet.

The CDs are still sitting on the kitchen counter.

I was reminded again that I had to get my CDs again when I didn't hear any worthy music on my entire drive home. I would have even settled for an Usher song...

Alas, I wasn't that lucky.
