Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Britney's a Sagittarius too!

Hey all,

Hope all's well this evening.

So on the news this evening, there was a story about how people are getting less sleep than they shoud (I think kids got an average of one hour less than they were supposed to). And results of sleep deprivation are things like crankiness and feeling edgy. Imagine that. That would explain quite a bit though :)

Just a quick note about the top line - I caught that little tidbit while filling through the channels and watching a little bit of the Briney Spears Special on E!. Wow, and I didn't think we had anything in common. Who knew? ;)



Crazy how this sums up how I'm feeling these days:

There's gotta be more to life
Than chasing down every temporary high
To satisfy me
'Cause the more that I'm
Trippin out, thinking there must be more to life
Well it's life but I'm sure
There's gotta be more
(Than wanting more)

Stacy Orrico
(there's gotta be) More to Life

Monday, March 29, 2004

Heeere little Costco...

Hi all,

Just one quick note before going to bed.

So I'm reading the paper this morning, and I saw an article about how parents are naming their kids after certain name brands - "branding" their kids, if you will.

In the article, it mentioned how kids were named Armani, Aramis, Lexus, and Chanel - Two boys and two girl's names. I mean come on - everyone knows somebody who knows somebody who knows about the two brothers named Oranjello and Lemonjello, right? Heh. And I'm sure it doesn't stop there either. Anyway, the best name was supposedly the two boys named ESPN. (snicker)

Anyway, I really don't think branding kids a good idea. A name is a name, but it needs to be carefully chosen. You know, like one that isn't easily made fun of, and works well in the goofy name song - you know, like how you don't name your kids Chuck? Chuck Chuck Bobuk - you get the idea.

As if kids didn't have enough pressure just being kids in today's society, they'll have something else to live up to - their names. Picture if you will:

- Little Armani better be one hell of a snappy dresser.
- Little Lexus better have a lot of cashish to throw around - She's going to get a lot of
shit if she pulls up in a Ford Aspire that she had to buy used.
- Little Chanel better not have any BO.
- Little ESPN and his brother ESPN2 better be a star athletes like the Williams Sisters.

Now I might consider naming my kid Costco though.


Sunday, March 28, 2004

A new standard of measurement - the Camry.

Hi all,

Hope you're having a great weekend.

I had an unexpected visit from Drew today - Apparently, he was in the area helping someone move, so when he was done, he swung on by and we hung out for a bit.

He had to buy some fertilizer for his lawn, so we went to the local hardware store. Being newbies, we forgot to find out how many square feet his property is.

I've only been to Drew's house a few times - And I'm terrible at guesstimating distances, so I wasn't much help. Until I started to think about how to figure it out. So we ended up thinking of it this way - How many Camrys could we park end to end in front of his house?

As a little background info, Drew works for Toyota and actually owns a Camry so I figure he'd have an idea of how long his car was.

I know, I know, very unscientific (4 Camrys) but it helped us guesstimate that he'd only need one bag (to cover less than 5000 square feet).

We'll see if we got it right :)

Anyway, on a slightly weirder note, I had an odd experience while shopping today. Maybe I was in a weird mood or something, but I was a little weirded out by what happened.

So there I was, looking at stuff in the automotive aisle, minding my own business - All of a sudden, this (I'm guessing) older teenaged kid just kind of shows up and starts asking me questions about stereo stuff. So I just kind of answer his question and I resume my browsing, trying to give the vibe that I'm just not feeling social - Nothing personal intended, just not feeling like socializing, I guess...

So the guy just keeps on talking, trying to make small talk. Then his dad shows up, and I get introduced to his dad. And then he introduces himself.

(Is it odd yet, or is it just me?)

So then, they start asking me stuff about myself, like what I do, where I work, where I live, where I went to school...

(Odd yet?)

So this entire time, I'm feeling rather uncomfortable for some reason. I don't know if it's the line of questioning, the mood I was in (wanting to shop in peace), or what.

So I guess the dad finally got the hint so he and his son moved on.

I'm not really sure what to think. I was caught off guard because people don't usually strike up personal conversations with total strangers while shopping, do they? Unless you're trying to pick someone up, of course :)

It raises some thoughts for me though - Have I become so untrusting of strangers? Are my days of thinking that most people do things with good intentions over?

If so, I'm sad.

Hopefully this was just a one time deal (I'll mark it up to me feeling "off" today).


Friday, March 26, 2004

Carb Coma.

Hi all,

It's Friday! I can't believe this week has gone by so quickly already. It's crazy. Only one week of freedom left!

For lunch, I had a diet and carb watcher's nightmare - Pasta product, followed by kickass seafood chowder soup and a huge chunk of really really good bread that was about the size of a shoe. I'm serious. This thing was huge.

I usually eat some sort of microwaveable dish for lunch - I don't know what happened today, but when I opened the microwave after heating, the sight was horrendous. It was as if there was a food explosion (I think I left the dish in the microwave too long, even though it was well within the recommended range in the instructions).

It was sad. Pieces of chicken were scattered all over the inside of the microwave - Whole chunks, shredded pieces, and mushroom slices. The plastic film covering was all folded and sitting in the food.

I tried to be a good corporate citizen and clean up the best I could, but there's only so much you can do with napkins.



Hey all,

Hope all's well today.

I was getting nervous today from watching the Apprentice. I thought my girl amy was going to get sent down to the street.

It was a lame idea. And I'm pretty sure it was hers too :)

I got my grades online today All that bitching and hard work paid off I guess. :)


Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Gather round for stories from the beauty salon / eye doctor's...

Hi all,

Hope all's well this evening. It's been quite the day.

Everything started at 8, when I drove out to Ann Arbor to go get the good 'ol eyeballs checked. All's well - Just an odd experience all around. Kind of odd.

First of all, the tech (the person that records all the initial information, takes readings, preps you for the doc, etc.) was probably the most unhappy one that I've seen there so far. She was not very pleasant, mumbled so I didn't understand her, and was just not very nice. Don't know what the story was (shrug).

At umich, all the people that work there are usually pretty friendly - I've been going there for over 3 years and I've rarely run into someone that was rude. I'm going to take this experience as an aberration. Hopefully I won't see unhappy lady again.

So anyway, today's experience was kind of odd. For the past few months or so, I occasionally get this feeling like there's a hair or something in my eye. I usually look around and can't seem to find anything. After a bit, it goes away.

It turns out that one of my eyelashes is growing and curling in. So, whenever I blink or the air current is the right way, this hair pokes at my eye - Hence, the eyelash in the eye feel.

So that explains the feeling right? Right. So how do I get rid of it? You guessed it. The Doc tells me what the dilly is and says that we need to "get rid of it." Uh oh...

Out of nowhere, he whips out some tweezers (I have no idea where he got them from, it was dark). Tells me to sit really really still. Also, I was assured that it wouldn't be too painful. :)

Pull --> Ouch!

"Oh, sorry, we didn't get the whole thing - it broke off."

Lovely. So again, I sit really really still...

Pull --> Ouch!

"Nope, the wholel thing didn't come out. We need to get it by the root."

Now I'm thinking, ohhh, great.

Again, I sit really really still.


"Got it this time."

My eye, with one less eyelash, was totally tearing up. It did this for a minute or so.

Craziness. I'm glad I don't have to do that often.

So I just found the whole thing kind of goofy. Who ever knew that ophthalmologists did eyelash extractions too? I should have gotten them curled too.

On a sadder note, my doctor's going to retire next month - Kind of a bummer, really. He assured me that I am in good hands with his replacement. :)

So I guess that special amount of pain was my parting gift :)


So last Friday, I did an impulse buy and bought some of those cheesy car air fresheners - you know, the ones that look like leaves? My car has been starting to get odiferous when it sits in the sun after a while. I bought two scents - "New car" and strawberry / cherry (I forget which one). "New car" is not the traditional new car smell that you're probably thinking of. It's kind of a weird mix of baby powder-esque scent mixed with something else. Don't get me wrong, it's fine in small quantities, but it's a whole different story when you get a big whif of it. No, I'm not hanging it from the rear view mirror - But I've got the "new car smell" thing in the original plastic packaging (I ripped a hole in it) and it's under the passenger front floor mat.

I don't know what it was, but I had the proper mix of air flow with the driver's side window and the sunroof open and I was amost getting suffocated by the "new car" smell. Seriously - it was hard to breathe and making me ill. And I couldn't get rid of it. I reached under the floor mat, pulled out the "new car" smell generator and threw it in the back seat. Ugh. Once I got on the highway and closed up all the windows, everything was fine. Phew.

I think the next one that I use, I'll have to let it sit out in the garage for a few days with the wrapper off before putting it in my car. Sheesh. I just want "essence" of new car, not all of it.


Sunday, March 21, 2004

We wish you a Merry...

Hi all,

Hope you are having a nice weekend. Again, another fast one. I had an extra day too!

Anyway, My dad came back from the homeland today - we went to pick him up this morning.

I am notorious for having piles of stuff around the house - Mail, clothes, CDs, DVDs, whatever you can think of. I've had this pile of mail on the kitchen island since around Christmas. Well, actually, probably Thanksgiving :) Heh.

Within the pile, I have a whole stack of Christmas and holiday cards. To be perfectly honest, I never know what to do with the cards once I receive and open them. All cards, for that matter. I enjoy receiving them, butI feel bad throwing them out - They're all pretty nice, and I know that people took some time to write them out, right? Plus cards are expensive nowadays!

To "clean up" in preparation for my dad coming home, I moved my pile of mail to the blackhole of the basement. Again, still don't know what to do with them. (shrug)


Saturday, March 20, 2004

Never trust a big butt and a smile.

Hi all,

Hope you're having a great weekend.

I spent the day in Ann Arbor chilling with the Drew man. I hadn't seen him since Thanksgiving, due to school consuming me. Anyway, I had my Panchero's and Bubble Tea fix again.

The scary thing is that this is the second burrito in a row for this week. And I'm not ashamed to say it, either. It was good.

It rained through most of my drive out to Ann Arbor - from torrential downpour to light sprinkling and then back again. It was nutty. But then, while we were at the restaurant and about to sit down and eat, the sky just cleared up and it was totally sunny. Just like that. It was odd - Cool but odd.

People were walking around in winter coats, and some people were walking around in just T-shirts. (shrug)

Anyway, so we were waiting at a light to make a left - We didn't have the radio on (I wasn't driving), but there was this truck next to us with the radio on loud enough for us to hear it. And I heard, "...That girl is poiiisonnnnn..." And I just started laughing. It was Bell Biv Devoe! Oh yes, that band from the early 90s. I couldn't believe it.

Of course, Drew remembers the "Smack it up, flip it, rub it down" line - Of course, I had to chime in with "Oh no!"

For those that are not 90's hip hop inclined, Bell Biv Devoe is the group formed by former New Edition (remember them?) group members Rikcy Bell, Michael Bivins, and Ron DeVoe - Two of their biggest hits from their Poison album were Poison (where the first line of the blog entry comes from and Do Me! (what Drew remembered).

How's that for a little 90's back in tha day trivia? The most scary thing wasn't that we remembered the tune - But that those songs were popular in the early 90's. Which was over 10 years ago.

We are old. I remember driving around in the Silver Tuna (my ride before the supafly) and booming those tunes on my sub box with the two 12s. Those were the days man. When all we had to worry about were making good grades and heading out to McDonald's and getting our $3.11 together to buy our Big Mac combos.

What goofy things we remember.

I am enjoying my days of freedom. I'm like a criminal on parole.


The Interwha? Interwho?

Hi all,

Hope you're having a great start to the weekend. Having Friday off kicked ass. Got some stuff done, did some shopping. I also went to the library to see if they had one of my textbooks for next semester - no such luck. But the lady behind the desk was trying very hard to educate me on the wonders of the Internet and how it works. "so you click on the house symbol - see the house symbol?" The scary thing was that she even had me go behind the information desk so I could see her screen. I now see the value of the mirrored dual monitor desktop system the reference desks at Michigan had.

Anyway, went and bought a book at the school bookstore (I wasn't able to find this book easily online). I ordered a different book last night, so I'll get that one in a week or so as well. I can feel the anxiety of next semester comin on...

I have also joined the neon compuer pc case fanclub. I know, I'm late to the party, but I really like it - Even though I don't have the fancy side glass panel, I was surprised at how bright the neon was (brighter than the tubes in the car!)

Oh well. Another purchase for another time, I guess :)


Friday, March 19, 2004


Hi all,

Hope all's well. Tonight begins the 3 day weekend :) I thought I'd treat myself to a day off on Friday. I figured the only times that I'd be able to take some extended vacation was in between academic quarters.

It feels nice to be done.

I even ordered one of my books for next semester :) Yes, I must like pain.

Tomorrow is going to be dedicated to shopping and taking care of the administrative crapola I've been neglecting. Heh. so much for the day off, right? ;)


Thursday, March 18, 2004

Happy St. Patrick's day!

Hi all,

Hope you are doing well this evening.

I was lame - I had nothing green to wear at work today. Bummer. No green beer either.

Tonight was the last day of class for the semester :) I'm free until April! Sweet.

I'm also no longer going to buy pleated khakis any more. I don't like they way they balloon out all funny when you sit down. From now on, it's flat front only.

Short thoughts only for today :)


Tuesday, March 16, 2004

So fresh, so clean...

Hi all,

Hope all's well this snowy evening. Tomorrow's the last day of classes for the semester - I had my last Monday class last night - all went well. Our presentation went pretty smoothly, hopefully we did well. Tomorrow's going to be another presentation and then that's it.

The scary thing is that I have no idea what my grades are going to be - more so in the Wed class because we haven't gotten anything back that's been graded yet. Kind of wacked, yes?

Anyway, there's nothing like a new toothbrush. It's like freshly washed bedsheets on the bed for your mouth. I know you're supposed to wait for like 3 months or so before changing your toothbrush, but I went a little early this time. Man is it good. It was so good that I brushed twice this evening. My mouth is super fresh and clean. (yes, the first line is in reference to the Outkast song.)

So faithful readers know that I've griped before about how I think prescription drug commercials are stupid when they don't tell you what it's for (they just tell you to ask your doctor). I was watching tv (I think it was last night) and there was a commercial for a prescription drug that I'd never heard of. And, like an answer to my request, the commercial was up front about what it was for - ED (erectile dysfunction). None of this beating around the bush of check out my racecar with the name of some blue pill on it, or about "staying in the game" with some football guy. This commercial was very clear and concise.

Trouble is, now I don't know what's worse - Watching prime time TV and hearing the words "erectile disorder" or just being left to my own devices and wondering what those products with strange drug names are for.

So ok, then I am listening to the commercial, and I'm wondering - Am I the only one in thinking that uhhh, the drug being effective for 36 hours is somewhat of a problem? Unless you're a pornstar, it's just not practical. Unless you have 3 day weekends fairly often or you have a ton of vacation, you'd have plan ahead and take days off pretty regularly. That's a lot of planning (for you and your partner(s))! Seriously, think about it - You take a dose on Friday night, say after work - That would mean you're "good to go" until Monday night after work. Do you really want to be at work on Monday in your "condition?" You'd be like the high school kid again, walking around holding your books in front of you.

You get the idea.


Sunday, March 14, 2004

The car was definitely a rockin'.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

We had some crizzazy 40 mile per hour winds today and you could definitely tell - I was stopped waiting to make a left at the traffic light, and it felt as if people were outside rocking my car. Af first, I thought someone had bumped me - You know, like what kids did in high school when you were driving in front or behind your friends? Come on, you know what I'm talking about...

Maybe kids don't do that anymore - cause they drive too nice of cars ;)

Anyway, tomorrow's the big presentation. I still have to practice tonight though. Ugh.


Saturday, March 13, 2004

One final paper has been submitted...

Hey all,

Hope you're having a great weekend.

Yes, it's true - The final paper for Monday's class has been uploaded and submitted. All 26 pages, all 4,752 words, and all 159 paragraphs.

I hope I never have to write a paper like that again. The crazy thing was that every time I read it, it felt like I was reading a different paper. Even the parts that I wrote! I mean, I wrote them however many weeks ago, but still.

Proofreading and editing sucks. In the end, I think we have a good product. We'll see what the professor says...

Burritos aren't as good on the 2nd day. Like sushi, it must be consumed within the day of purchase (or sooner).

So, now I have to work on my two presentations, and review the other final paper...


Forget Business School - There's always the Apprentice.

Hi all,

Hope all's well. Haven't written in what seems like a while.

I caught up on all my previously recirded television shows this evening. For the past week or so, I've just been recording my shows on video tape - and I was able to cruise through everything all in one sitting. Pretty nifty.

I caught Must See TV this past Thursday, so I saw the two most recent episodes of The Apprentice in reverse order. It was kind of weird, since I knew what was going to happen / who was going to get fired when I saw the one on videotape. Kind of spoils it, but entertaining nonetheless. That Amy is a hottie. :)

These past few days, I've had a muscal hankering for some DMB. For some reason, in my typical CD mismanagement ways, I was unable to locate the CD that I created of my favorite tracks. I think I gave it away... Not sure though.

The final exam on Wednesday was ok - I didn't kick its ass, nor did it kick mine. It was an average performance. Come Wednesday the semester will be over. Just one weekend of pain left.

Monday and Wednesday we turn in our group projects and give our presentations. Craziness.

Was a little ill yesterday on today - I had a semi-cold. Kind of a bummer. I've been totally exhausted as of late too. Better go to sleep...


Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?

Avril was in town promoting the new album today :)

Hopefully with all the money she's made, she's less angst filled ;)


P.S. Can you tell I'm "studying" for an exam right now?

Sunday, March 07, 2004

I am in love with Styles and Formatting in Microsquash Orifice

Almost every document that I've created in Word (within the last few months) has had different styles and a table of contents.

Unfortunately, I just need to learn how to use it better - still doing too much manual fudging. I want to be the Styles and Formatting masta. I want to be able to just select text so it'll format it exactly the way that I want it. How much space before, after, what font, what style, what size.

One day the power will be mine... Speak to me Billy. Tell me how to master the power.


Final Schminal.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well. We finished the group project process early today so I went to the city home afterwards to slightly relax and chill for a bit. I'm still tense though - I can feel it in my back muscles. Where is the massage therapist when you need one? ;)

So yes, the paper is pretty much done - we finished it today. I edited it for the last time and sent it to the team for signoff. How's that for businesslike ;) Heh.

Anyway, got the slides for the presentation done as well. Just have to write my portion of the presentation this time, and then I'll be set,

Now I'm studying for my final on Wednesday. Oh yes, as an added bonus to group projects and presentations, there's a final that is worth 5% of my grade. Lovely.

Class registration started a while ago. Since I enjoy pain and being whiny and bitchy (like I'm sure the people around me do), I've signed for 2 more classes. I'm going to convince my professor to let me place out of one of the classes - which leaves the question - Should I be good and pick up another to make up for the extra class, or just take one class next semester? This way, I can theoretically take my last semester easier - Or, I can take next semester easier :)

So for theh past few blog entries, I've been writing them later at night. During the day, I've think of more commentary, but when I get around to writihg the entry, I have either forgotten what I was going to say, or just want to write and go to sleep.

It's good or bad depending on how you look at it I guess.

It was a really wierd day weatherwise too. It looked sunny and nice in the morning, and then it snowed (like crazy for a while), and then it slowed down again. The joys of living in Michigan.

I didn't get to wash the supaflyride this weekend, so it'll be nice this week, I'm sure.


Another late night...

Hi all,

Less than 2 weeks of hell left.

To top it off, I have a final exam on Wednesday that I still have to study for. Ugh.

I worked on my group project today for the majority of the afternoon. I was even the sneakernet for my group. I had the laptop set up in the classroom we were working in. Only trouble was that I didn't know what printer I could print to. Sooo, I burned the document onto CD-R and then briskly walked it over to the computer lab to print. I don't know what the throughput was, but I could carry a packet that was at least 650 MB in one pass.

Nerdy? Yes.

But it worked.


So we're meeting again tomorrow (Sunday) to finish stuff up. I'm feeling better about the project - We are getting closer to completion. I can't wait.

Next Wednesday (not this week) the madness will be over and my life can return to normal...

Well, at least until next semester.


Saturday, March 06, 2004


Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

So today was kind of exciting - Brizzai and I did a Career Day at a school where one of my former coworkers teaches.

I hadn't realized how long I'd been out of high school school until I was talking about some of the classes that I took in high school and wondered (out loud), "Do they still call it Language Arts?" (sigh).

I didn't feel as prepared as I would have liked, but I think we did allright. The kids were engaged (for the most part) and were asking some good questions along the way. We even got some usability data points from them as well. It was very interesting indeed.

Being there inspired me to want to teach.

Just in case you were wondering, my dream job is to be a talk show host or own a nightclub. :)

At the end, one of the students said to me, "Holla Back." I wasn't really sure how to respond...

I'm obviously old.


Friday, March 05, 2004

10 bucks.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

So I guess more people recognized me from high school than I thought. I was at the school today waiting for my group members to arrive for a meeting - A guy comes up to me, and asked me what high school I went to. Apparently, he was one of my classmates - We kinda knew the same people (not really the same circle of friends). He had run out of gas and was waiting to get in touch with his wife. He had said that he had walked down to the local gas station (wherever that was) and didn't have enough money to buy a container of gas and whatnot.

So I lent him some.

I wonder if I'll get my 10 bucks back. I'll let you know.


Wednesday, March 03, 2004

It's Wednesday!

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening. Just a short note before going to bed. I was ediing a paper last night until pretty late, so I need to make up for it tonight by going to bed sorta early. Although it's kind of late already :P

Doesn't look like I won any of the three cars in the raffle. Ahh well, mark the 25 bucks up to tax deduction.

I can't believe it's Wednesday already. Class is done for this week. But I still have group work to do. (sigh). One project is very close to being done though. I'm pretty geeked. Now we just have to get our act together on the other one. One full week left before the semester ends. I cannot wait.

Caught up with a few friends last night on the phone. It was nice to talk to them. I haven't talked to them in ages, it felt like.

OK, going to sleep.
