Saturday, November 30, 2002


Good evening. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving Holiday. Tomorrow's going to be the last day of the holiday stretch, so I've got to make tomorrow count...

This year, I'm thankful for a lot of stuff. Of course, the normal things, like my family, friends, good health, etc. But one thing that I'm especially thankful for this year is fleece. More specifically are my fleece lined sporty spice pants. Mmmhmm. For those of you that have no hizzell what I'm talking about I'll explain. Back in the 90s, you may remember the girl power bubblegum pop sensation called the Spice Girls. These five young ladies from across the pond took the pop world by storm. Anyway, back to the pants. There was a certain member of the band named Sporty Spice. Her trademark was looking "sporty" at all times. Wherever she went, during concerts, appearances, etc., she always had the dark blue/black track pants on, with the stripes on the side. I believe her brand of choice were Adidas. Hence, sporty spice pants. Love the look, love the "sportiness."

Anyway, my sporty spice pants are super comfortable, and super warm. I would strongly recommend anyone to buy them. Not to mention, they announce your arrival with the swish swishing whenever you walk. My mom? She hates them. She thinks I look like someone that's up to no good when I wear them, so she has forbidden me to wear the aforementioned pants in public. From what I remember, JD to the izzO didn't like them either. I think it reminds him of the crowd he used to roll with back in the day. But just for the record, I wore them to do some shopping today. Super comfortable and warm, let me tell you.

Oh yeah, I had to break out the super thick down jacket today as well. A pre-welcome to December.

Let's see what is there to tell...

Thanksgiving was pretty good. My mom and I went over to a family friend's house and had a pretty traditional Thanksgiving meal. I'm talking turkey, gravy, stuffing, mashed potato, etc. The works. I mean, there was even cranberry sauce! I wasn't exactly sure what to do with it, so I just ate it straight. It was damn tasty. It was like eating jam!

Speaking of jam, I've been having this craving of a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Don't ast me why. Maybe it's those commercials with the crustless enriched bread. have you seen that? It's some wacky stuff. It's a loaf of bread, but there's no crust on it. Perfect! Plus, I believe the company claims that it's as healthy as whole wheat. Imagine that. I'll have to get me some of that.

Anyway, back to the Thanksgiving gig. I was surprised, because I thought the Thanksgiving shindig would be all Chinese food style. But it was very Americanized. I was impressed. So what's the dilly with stuffing? Why is it cooked where it's cooked? Please tell me that there's a good reason why you put the stuffing inside of the bird (ugh). A good reason like the stuffing adds flavor to the turkey meat, or vice versa. Please don't tell me that inside is just a "convenient" place to cook the stuffing :) I also think it's funny when you stuff the turkey and then you take the stuffing out to eat. (shrug) Whatever.

A moment of silence for the turkey we had on Thursday. We hardly knew you...

Another moment of silence for the other turkeys...

Pour a glass of wine out...

Here's hoping for a kickass and successful holiday season for the businesses trying to sell stuff. We definitely need it. I'm trying to stay on the periphery of the shopping frenzy. I did not get up early to line up outside of the the local electronics store at 3 in the morning like some people. I've bought stuff though, rest assured. But I'm only one man...

Cleaning efforts is only partially successful. Oh well, I guess there's always Christmas vacation, right? ;)

Catcha later,

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Hi Everyone!

Thanksgiving vacation has started for me. Woo hoo! Off till Monday. How exciting! There wasn't too much going on at work so I figured I'd try to do some "administrative" things around the house.

Hope you watched the Osbournes tonight. There will be random pop quizzes for this and the upcoming episodes. Just kidding. Funniest moment for me was Kelly and Jack's exchange about the return of McRib. :)

Over the weekend, Jarrett went to his 20th year reunion. I was talking with him about it today. I wonder if my high school will have our 10th next year. It should be interesting to attend, that's for sure. It would be cool to see people again, I think... I'm sure people have changed, but I still feel the same. I probably look the same too :)

This evening, driving home, I got a gentle reminder of how the winter is coming. As if the cold cold weather wasn't enough. Ugh. Not looking forward to driving during snowfall and whatnot.

I need a haircut pretty badly. My hair is getting a tad puffy after I wash it. Makes my bed head even worse when the hair's long. Ever notice how bed hed is a common phenomenon among Asian dudes? Well, maybe not all, but I believe it's quite common.

Take it easy, have a good Thanksgiving if I don't write by then.


Monday, November 25, 2002

What the dilly, yo?

I'm being tainted by music videos and televizzle. I want multiple pairs of Air Force Ones. I want to travel to San Tropez. I want to sip Cristal and Belvedere there. But don't worry, I'm still Kirk from the block.

Truly random indeed.

I'm jealous of everyone that took the week off for Thanksgiving. However, I'm truly thankful for the upcoming four day weekend :) Today at work, I brainstormed and wrote survey questions. Fun fun. Not something that I want to do for a living, that's for sure.

Tomorrow, it's strongly recommended that you reserve the 10:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. EST time slot for a jaunt with TVs favorite family - Yup, you guessed it - the Osbournes season 2 premiere is tomorrow. Woo hoo! Can't wait. More TV to rot my brain.


Sunday, November 24, 2002


Hope you had a nice weekend. Today I turned 27. Do I feel any different? No, not really. Do I feel old? A little. If you had asked me in high school what I'd be doing at 27, I wouldn't have been able to tell you. 27 just seemed so old when you're 16. Like it was close to retirement or something. But I'm not. I still have a good 40 or so years to go before retirement. Maybe 30 if I'm really really lucky. Actually, if I'm really really really lucky, I'd win the lotto, and I'd be retired even sooner.

The weird thing, is that except for my new place, not much has changed. I'm still at the same job, doing pretty much the same thing. Do I feel like I'm stuck in a rut? Indeed. Like my friend Sheryl sang to me, a change would do me good. But then again, do I have to make a change every year so I don't feel this way? What about people that have been at their jobs for X amount of years? Is this feeling something that I'll grow out of? Am I just suffering from long term ADD? Perhaps. In the past few weeks, I've kicked around pursuing many different careers, ranging from being a part-time car test driver to going back to school for teaching. I'm still searching... Hopefully I'll find something soon. Over the weekend, I got a chance to get some books to aid in my quest (thanks Elizabeth). I need to find my new "cheese" cause I think it's been moved.

Anyway, back to our normal programme...

So I'm starting to dislike shopping on the weekends, especially now during the holidays. I know, I know, I'm not very holiday spirited. I made a trip out to Costco (again) to return the humidifier that I bought from them. You wouldn't believe how busy it was. There were seriously no parking spots anywhere to be found. As usual, people "made up" spots and pretty much parked wherever they wanted to. People were circling around the parking lot like buzzards around a dying animal. I ended up following a couple back to their Caddy, inspected what they bought from afar, and took their parking space once they left. Normally, I would have just left and come back during the weekday, but I was hoping that everyone was buying, and not returning stuff. Once I got into the place, everything was groovy. I was next in line. But let me tell you, the carts full of stuff rolling out of the exit was continuous. And the carts were completely full. I'm just glad I wasn't buying stuff. I'm sure other places were quite busy as well.

This evening, I got my first try at Korean food. It was quite tasty. My mom took me to a restaurant that served Korean and Japanese food. How was I supposed to know that you're supposed to mix the stuff that they give you for be bim bop together in the bowl? I kept the rice separate, and was kind of picking at the vegetables. Luckily, the server dude hooked me up with the info and told me to mix the rice, sauce and vegetables together in the pot. Let this be a lesson... The Sushi was damn good too. The oddest thing of the night was the music that was played on the speakers at the restaurant. It wasn't that stereotypical stringed instrument crap that they have at most Chinese restaurant. Their audio source was tuned to the teen pop station. I heard Britney, M2M, 'NSYNC, and a whole other host of trl artist. Very funny, yet disturbing, because the same songs are on a teen pop cd that I made once.

I've also made kind of a pre-New Year's resolution. I'm going to try and simplify my life. I'm going to actively try to retuce my dependence on material goods, and try to reduce the clutter in my life. As I write this to you, I'm sitting among piles and piles of paper and old stuff that needs to be cleaned up. I think I know what I'll be doing this week during vacation...


Friday, November 22, 2002

Oh yeah, forgot to mention -

I'm scared that I've visted Costco at least 4 times within the past 7 days. No, a cute young lady does not work there (not that I know of, at least). But I've just been going there a ton as of late. I actually have to go back sometime again to return the thing I bought this evening. Wonderful.

Sometimes I think watching sitcoms in syndication is better than watching them when they're run for the first time. Why? You don't have to wait a week to find out what happens in the next episode. Especially for those "to be continued" episodes. Other than my favorite standby Friends, I've been watching Everybody Loves Raymond pretty regularly. As I've said before, no, TV does not rule my life. :)

I'm so happy that Thanksgiving is this week. However, I think the holiday is getting the shaft this year because it is so late in November. Christmas displays were in stores long ago and I'm starting to hear holiday songs on the radio. Nuttiness, I tell you. Today on the news, people were talking about sales that are happening after Thanksgiving. It used to be that Christmas stuff started happening after Thanksgiving. Oh well. One day we will actually have Christmas in July.



Hope you're doing well this evening...

I've decided that I'm going to stop watching the news during dinner. Watching the evening news is making me lose faith in people. There are some crazy-assed people out there. Shooting, robbing, threatening, bombing, assaulting, whatever you can think of, it's on the local news. World news is not any better. Don't get me wrong - I don't think everyone is crazy, just some people. I think I liked it better in school when I didn't really watch the news - I just selectively read what I wanted to read in the Daily. I've noticed that I now selectively read news articles in the paper I get at home as well. I guess I'm taking the ostrich head in the sand approach. I think it may be better that way.


Thursday, November 21, 2002


I think it's funny when people talk on their cell phones while in the restroom. Is the call really that urgent? Isn't it odd for the person on the other end of the phone call to hear so much echo? Toilets flushing? Stall doors closing? Isn't it odd to know that you're talking to someone while they're doing their business? Do you wonder if hand washing will be part of the regimen? For me, I'm glad that there's voicemail.


Wednesday, November 20, 2002


Just a short blog entry today. It's getting late and I have a client meeting tomorrow...

It's pretty neat to see how images can evoke certain emotions. No, I'm not talking just about porn. I'm talking about any type of imagery in general. Today I was looking for a new computer desktop background and was looking through some automobile websites for some nifty images to use. Some looked classy, sporty, outdoorsy, etc. I ended up choosing a very cool Jag S-type image. Looks pretty fly.

Tomorrow's another dress up day (sigh).

It's been ood. During these past night, I've had recurring dreams of people that have been in my past. Friends, Xs, etc. I know people dream all the time, but I usually don't remember my dreams unless I'm sick. I don't think I'm ill...


Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Hey everyone,

There is just something about freshly vacuumed pluah carpet that is just so heavenly. It's like what I'd imagine walking on clouds would feel like. As you may have read in one of my blog entries before, my ionic breeze quadra dreams didn't come true. You know how I said that I'd return the funds back to Mr. Credit card? Well, as advertised, the funds were indeed returned. But before going to the furniture fund, the allocated money decided to take a permanent vacation at the newly created vacuum fund. Oh yes, I am now the proud owner of an extremely swank super delux vacuum. Thanks to Jarrett for the hookup of information from a reputable "consumer research" resource. This vacuum is listed under "kickass vacuum" in the dictionary. Stylishly outfitted in a fetching blue, this Mercedes Benz of all vacuums is the nicest canister vacuum that I've ever used. My mom has the earlier 1970s counterpart in an equally stylish split pea green, along with simulated woodgrain finish.

One day I will take the leap and buy furniture. One day, I promise. I guess I'll just take some rest stops in between.

The reason why I haven't written is because I've been on holiday for the past two weekdays. It's been pretty good. Which leads me to my next thing: I am totally in love with shopping on the weekday. Oh yes, shopping on the weekday during the day is probably as equally heavenly as freshly vacuumed carpet. There are less people that you have to fight in line with, and there are actually salespeople around to help you - Imagine that!

So in my vacuum mission, I went to a specialty store that sold hotel grade vacuums. I'm sure you've seen the advertisements - they usually show their vacuum picking up a bowling ball. I tell you, these stores are a trip. Today, my salespeople were Rick and Vic (no, I'm not making this up). One was a very seasoned salesperson, and one was in training. I was still stuck on Rick and Vic being their names, so I don't remember who was who. I totally got a kick out of of how they were demonstrating their vacuum. Rick or Vic takes this big wad of (I think) animal hair and just smears it all over their heavily padded green carpet. It looked like a cat had shed its entire coat of hair on the ground.. Next, he brings out a container full of puffed rice cereal and spreads it all over. Next, he steps all over the cereal and grinds it into the carpet. I'm sure you know what happens next. The vacuum challenge was a success. Surprise surprise. But Rick/Vic was very very excited about his line of vacuums, just like in the infomercials. He went on and on about how there were like 3 models of vacuums, and if I bought right now, I'd get the handheld one, a cordless iron, and a car vac for free. Needless to say, I didn't bite.

Let's see, what else happened...

I had my first shellfish seafood item today. I had a mussel at lunch today. I was good, just had one. It was damn tasty.


Saturday, November 16, 2002

Hi everyone,

Hope you're having a good weekend. I got my blood test results faxed to me yesterday afternoon. After reviewing the results with Dr. Jarrett, we decided everything looked pretty good. Not really sure what to do now, as my D.O. never said anything about what the next steps were. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to call on Monday or something.

Today has been a big catch up day on sleep - I took a nap this afternoon for a few hours. It felt pretty good, I must say. Afterwards, Geneman and his former stepsister Cathy came on by. It was good to see them. I hadn't seen Cathy since undergrad. Even then I saw her only once in a while.

It actually snowed quite a bit today. It's getting even colder. My dream winter home in Texas would be nice about now.


Thursday, November 14, 2002

Hey all,

The saga of the Ionic Breeze Quadra is over, just like that. In a matter of 4 days, it was purchased and returned. I loved what it promised. Low power consumption, no filters to replace, pretty silent operation, etc. As every air cleaning claim and user testimonial pointed out, "results may vary." Well, they varied enough to the point where the fine people of the Reports for Consumers totally trashed it and rated it at the bottom of all the air cleaning units it tested. The Ionic breeze was awared many undesireable filled in black circles (poor) in many of the categories (except for operation noise). Combined with the high premium, it was decided that the funds would be returned to Mr. Credit Card, and the ionic breeze returned back to its maker. Alas. It's ok though, the funds will be better used towards furniture.

I got my new glasses today, still kinda getting used to them. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a 90's rap video, where the use of the fish-eye lens was so prevalent. Hoping to get used to them soon. I never realized how scratched up my old glases were. I'm surprised I can still see out of them.

Geneman's coming to visit me again this weekend. Not sure exactly what we're going to be doing yet, but we better make it count, as it may be our last hurrah for a while.

Woo hoo! Tomorrow's Friday.


Wednesday, November 13, 2002


Hope you're doing well this evening.

So today I got dressed up for work because I had a client meeting onsite. Dressed up you ask? Yes, in my book, business casual is "dressing up." Anything with a tie is ultra dressing up. Suit? That's super delux ultra dressing up. A tux is off the scale. For my present job, Friday casual is my everyday garb. Business casual is when I go to clients. The last time I wore a tie for this job was for the job interview. I've not worn a suit since uh, probably 1998 at a wedding. In my entire life, I've worn a tux only once. I was asked to usher my friend Laura's wedding - I agreed without knowing that one of the prereqs of being an usher is wearing a tux. Ahh well, there's a first time for everything.

So anyway, since I get dressed up so rarely, I always have this uncomfortable feeling for several hours. Just because I'm not used to these more "formal" clothes. I feel like one of those little kids that you see at weddings. You know, the kid that is dressed up in his suit, but doesn't look very comfortable in it. Kinda fidgety, always messing with the tie, etc. Minus the tie, that's how I feel. I do appreciate the "you look nice" comments, but it kind of makes me think what people think of my normal Friday casual wear. Compared to my dad, he's the total opposite. He's the kind of guy that feels odd not wearing a suit when he goes out. Many years ago, I remember it took us a long time to convince him that it was ok to go out in a polo shirt. Wow, how business has changed. Perhaps I'm still stuck in the dot com era where as long as you wore clothes to work, you were fine and nobody said anything. I remember there was this lady back in my network service provider days that would come to work wearing her winnie the pooh pajammas. No kidding. But hey, when you're on the phone for your job, you could be wearing a tux or nothing but a smile, and the person on the other end of the line wouldn't know any better. Except if you're working the adult phone lines. The phone operator is always wearing the finest in lingerie, I'm sure. Heh.

Today for lunch, I had a Chicago Bagel Dog from Einstein Bros. Very tasty indeed. Go for the one with the everything bagel, add, onions, cheese, and the dijon mustard. Good stuff, I tell you.

Catcha later,

Tuesday, November 12, 2002


Well, so the noodle dish wasn't as good for dinner as it was for lunch. I managed to scam that tasty noodle dish that I mentioned before for dinner tonight. I must have talked the noodle dish up so much in my mind that there was no way it could have been as good the second time. Alas.

so it was weird. Last night, I don't think I got much sleep. I felt like I was up for hours and hours. I don't think I really got to sleep unitil after 5:30 a.m. Maybe just dozed off until then, but nothing real sleepwise. I'm getting tired now finally. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight. I've got a client meeting tomorrow that I need to be ready for.

I think I'm going to go to sleep now...



Wow, sometimes, take-out food from the homeland really really hits the spot. You would not believe. For lunch I had this most excellent noodle dish with (heh) seafood. The first shrimp and scallop I've had ever since I gave it up. There were other dishes as well, but I could eat the most excellent noodle dish for days. All I need now is a mint oreo or two, and then I would definitely have to brush my teeth.

I need to get a headset at work for my numerous and lengthy conference calls. Phone sweat sucks.


Monday, November 11, 2002


It's been a while since I've written, huh. It sure feels like it.

Let's see, what's happened since then. Not much ;)

On Saturday, I did the 2 step waxing regimen for my car. It was pretty intense. I don't know if the waxing process made a visual difference (possibly placeboed effect) but the 1st step really cleaned up the paint, causing it to be glassy smooth now. Super swank. Thanks to Meguiars for making some good car stuff. The funny thing is that all the wax and surface preparation stuff really smells good. Like the artificially scented car air fresheners. But in a good way. Almost too good. Anyway, put all that stuff on the "recommend" shelf next to the Mint Oreos. Although, maybe not too close. You know, you don't want to store chemicals and food together. That could be bad.

Oh yeah, on Saturday, my friend Steve and I got our latest toy craze. One of those mini R/C cars. Supa fun. Interested? Check em out. They're called Microsizers. I bought the Mitsu Evolution car kit and an extra Honda s2k body. Charge for 45 seconds and you're good to go for a bit. Totally cool.

So, questions of the day:
Why is it you always feel the greatest need to spend when you're trying to save money? Crazy, huh? I need to cut up my credit card or put it into a temporary restraining device. Must... Stop... Spending...

Here's another one: Why is it when I see my big boss (the one above the one I report to), I'm not really sure what to say to him? I don't exactly lock up, but I feel like I should be talking to them about business and all of that corporate crap. They just have me at "hello." Heh.

Tomorrow or Wednesday, I was told I can call the doctor's office about getting my blood test results back. I'll let you know.


Friday, November 08, 2002


After my doctor's appointment, I was able to drive to work with the windows open and the stereo blaring. Woo hoo! I can't wait for spring! Just kidding. It's sunny and going to be in the high 50s low 60s today. Totally cool. Maybe I can get a car wash and wax session in today.

Doctor's appointment was cool. The doctor was cool. As for the office / waiting room, it looked kind of old skool. not that it's a bad thing, but I felt like I was in one of those home improvment commercials where I want to get rid of the furniture and start ripping out the carpet. Oh yeah, Christina Agulera was working the front desk too.


Thursday, November 07, 2002


Hope you're doing well this evening...

Let's see, what's on my mind today... I'm going to go see an osteopathic doctor tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything's ok. That's all I'd need, just some bad news to drag me through the holidays (ugh). Don't know why I've waited until now to get a checkup, who knows. Maybe because I'm turning 27 this month. I think that may be it. I'm feeling aged. Ugh. I know, 27 is not old, but I think I'm getting to that residual midlife crisis feeling again.

At this point in my life, am I where I thought I'd be however many years ago? You know, when you answer that all important interview question, "where do you see yourself 2 / 5 / 10 years from now?" I'm not sure if this is where I'd put myself however many years ago. I know I'm doing allright, but for some reason, something doesn't feel exactly right. I will have to investigate further and let you know.

So this evening, I went to a local brewery in the vicinity - Why did it have to be so dark inside? What are they trying to hide? Is it really to create ambience or to hide the seediness of the facility? Come to think of it, I didn't see any tanks either. Maybe they're rebranding the consumer brands of beer and passing it off as their own. Hmmm. Odd indeed. I don't know about you, but I've always preferred going to places where I can clearly see the people that I'm chatting with. Which reminds me why I usually don't go to places like that on a regular basis.


Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Hey all,

Another entry into my blog. I can't believe it's already been over a month since I started this thing! That's pretty swank. I didn't think I'd be writing for this long. I though I'd just kind of start trailing off here and there, and eventually this blog would wither away into nothingness. It's still going strong. Woo hoo!

This morning, I was back in my alma mater territory, visiting the med center for a checkup. Every time I drive out to the campus and its vicinity, I miss it more. I have very fond memories of Ann and her Arbors (heh). I feel like I haven't been out there for a while. To be honest, I don't remember when I was out there last. Alas.

So I was chilling in the waiting room, waiting for my eyes to dilate. I was able to read for the first 30 minutes or so, but then stuff got blurry so I just tried to take a nap. The funny thing about this doctor's waiting room, is that I think I've seen the same magazines there since my last visit 3 or 4 months ago (and probably ones before that). The scary thing is that I don't remember which ones I've read and which ones I haven't. Today I was reading a stereo equipment review magazine from April. I'm hoping it was April 2002, and not 2000. Either way, I'd never seen it before (not that I can remember), so it was definitely new to me. But since I was on a limited timetable (before I couldn't see), I had to read the most interesting parts of the magazine very quickly, and then I had to resort to looking at blurry pictures of stereo equipment which was not nearly as interesting. When it became too painful to focus, I tried to close my eyes. By the time this happened, my eyes were pretty dilated, and the room became too bright even after I closed my eyes. It was like I needed thicker eyelids or something.

So today, I was faced with an etiquette question. Let's say you're in a waiting room that's pretty full and you're at a 2 person bench. If the room opens up, is it ok to get up and move to an empty chair or bench? Or would that be rude? I had a bench all to myself when I was waiting for my appointment, but when I was waiting for the dilation drops to work, the room slowly filled up, and there were no seats left. Unfortunately, the individual that I was sharing my bench with was kind of coughing and was heavily perfumed with a not so favorable scent. Normally, I appreciate a little perfume, but not when it surrounds you like tear gas at a rave that resists being broken up. Once the waiting room kind of opened up, I wasn't sure if it would be rude if I had moved. I never did, just hoped that my name would be called next. I guess if I were the other person that was sharing the bench and my benchmate got up to move across the room, I'd be left wondering if I was emitting a strange funkiness or something. Not the good kind of funk either. I guess I've answered my question, haven't I?


Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Hey everyone,

Hope you're doing well.

Today I voted at the nicest church I've ever been in. I know, I don't get out to many churches often, but the portion of the complex that I saw was quite modern looking, I think more of like a meeting space. I'm sure there were other areas that looked more "churchy" but I didn't get to see them. But anyway, the entire voting process was quite painless, and everything went pretty smoothly. Kudos to the polling place people. Hopefully, without any major ballot controversy, we'll know the final results late tonight or early tomorrow.

Today I filled out the open enrollment stuff for my job. You know, for benefits and all of that type of jazz. Every year, I think the coverage gets worse and rates go up higher. When will the madness end? I guess I could always go to the herbal route or something.

So speaking of health, with my mom's urging, I'm going to go see a general doctor dude do get a complete checkup for the first time in many many years, probably since the 80s. When I was seeing my pediatrician. Anyway, it'll all go down on Friday morning. Which, might I add, I find amazing, because I've never been able to make an appoinment with a doctor the same week I want to go. Wait a sec, that might not be a good thing...

I think those "snack size/fun size" candy bars are evil. Evil evil evil. You eat one big candy bar, that's it. No more. I usually feel pretty satisfied (if not overly-satisfied). But when you eat a "fun size." you can't just eat one. They're so small that it doesn't feel like you've had anything substantial. So you need to have another. And another. Today at the office, someone brought in their excess (I'm guessing) Halloween candy. I swear, I think I had a mixture of at least 6 Mounds, Snickers Crunches, and Butterfingers. Not to mention, the other 2 snack sizes that were packed in my lunch. So, put them end to end, I'm sure I had like 4 or 5 actual size candy bars. Still, minimal satisfaction. Ugh. I need to stay away from that candy jar. I'm telling you, evil.


Monday, November 04, 2002


Hope you're doing well this evening. It's back to work tomorrow for me.

Today was another semi-relaxing day. It wasn't totally relaxing because this morning I had to take care of some work. But it's ok - I pushed off as much as I can for tomorrow. But I'll be ready for it man.

Among other errands, I got to do some more furniture shopping. Nothing yet. Some promising candidates though. But the outcome is that I'm going to buy some sort of furniture where my guests can sit on before I buy a bed or dining table, or whatever. Gotta have my priorities.

Oh yeah, I got to touch and lay on a mattress set that was almost $2,000.00. Pretty swank, I tell you. I can't wait until I win the lotto, because I'm going to buy a whole bunch of those mattresses and just carpet my room with them. So comfortable. Plus, I'd never have to turn it! I now know what Billy G (of Microsquash fame) probably sleeps on. I felt like a rapper laying on that thing. Oh well, back to reality and my full size non-pillowtop always turn and flip mattress.

I've got my voting groove on. Ready for tomorrow. Here's hoping that the polls won't be too swamped with people. :)


Sunday, November 03, 2002

Hello Everyone!

It seems like a while since I've written... Let's see, what has happened.

On Thursday night, I broke down and brought out of storage my super delux this is the maximum legal amount of goose down that you can put into a quilt without environmentalists beating your ass comforter. Even though I bitch in practically every blog about how cold it is outside, it's still not cold enough to bring out the big comforter. I usually wait until the first snowfall. There's a small ceremony that I perform while puttig the duvet on and placing it on the bed. Just kidding. Well, after shivering in the night and morning because it's so cold in my room, I decided to break out good old "goosey". Now if I'm not careful to regulate the temperature under the covers, I can actually start sweating under this thing.

So you may ask why I have this industrial strength comforter. Well, the value minded individual I am, the cost to goose down ratio was the best in the comforter most chock full of goose down (at the time of purchase). There were three levels available at the store. Wussy (why bother), regular (definitely adequate), and the you're originally from Florida and are now in the middle of the arctic with no heat and shelter quality. Well, you know which one I got. My other comforter is totally the opposite, a synthetic filled comforter from the Man's furniture store.

Let me tell you though, in the morning, "goosey" is worth every piece of down that those poor geese had to give up.

Friday was a lazy day turned pretty eventful - I slept in, very nice. My friend Laura and her husband Dave were going to be visiting in the evening, so I figured I'd just mill around the house until then. But, Geneman called me from the airport in NY and said that he was swinging by Michigan for a semi-spontaneous visit. I saw him for a bit (I was going to see him again on Saturday) and then had to go home and get ready for Laura and Dave to come by in the evening.

Laura and Dave were my first official overnight houseguests. As many of you know, my place is pretty bare. Everything's pretty minimal there. I hardly have any furniture, etc. But I set this expectation beforehand, so L and D knew what they were in for. Luckily, they had their own inflatable bed, so we were all set. We ended up going to Dave and Buster's for a bit, and then we chilled out at the house after that.

It's always great to see old friends. You never realize how much you miss them until you see them again after a long time.

So Saturday morning, I walked out of my place, and walked - yes, walked to the local bakery to get some fresh bagels for breakfast. It was totally cool. It's kind of like living in the city, where you can buy food and shop for stuff just around the corner. But instead, I was in the burbs - Wackiness.

Later on that evening, I hung out with Geneman for a while. We had dinner at Arby's - I strongly recommend their Market Fresh sandwiches. Especially the Ham and Swiss. It's quite tasty. After that, we totally geeked/nerded out and had our super delux Canon vs. Sony digicam picture-by-picture shoot-and-comparison. We were out of control. I don't think we had determined a definite winner, but I think at the end of the day, each was satisfied with his camera purchase. :) Kudos to Sony and Canon for making some kickass digicams.

Today (Sunday) was a very lazy day as well. Did a little furniture shopping, actually. I am in desperate need of real people furnishings for my place. Other than the floor, the only place to sit semi-comfortably are at the stools next to the kitchen island. I have been told that even those aren't that comfortable

Anyway, the furniture that I like is pretty pricey. I am still learning the furniture market and finding out the lay of the land to see what's out there. I've found that the cheaper stuff is fine if you just want to look at it. Once you get up close and touch it, the lack of quality definitely shows up. Also, there are some really aesthetically challenged furniture pieces out there. Like really really challeneged. Like immediately go to the clearance center without passing go bad. But hey, I guess all designers have their off days too, right? Like how was Ralph L supposed to know that a horizontally striped green and magenta oompa loompa looking shirt wouldn't sell well? You think I'm joking. I've seen this shirt - plus I have people that can back me up on seeing this particular shirt.

And common to all furniture shopping experiences, there's always the salespeople bopping around the store. It was weird. At the nicer places, the salespeople were circling around every few minutes like vultures. But this time, there was an odd twist. One of the places we went to (and spent a while in), we were never approached by any sales associates the whole time we were there. Not once. Odd, huh? We'll call this furniture vendor Fart Can. Fart Can's facility was enormous. I was lost a few times, and even on the way out, we were seeing parts of the store that we'd never seen before. But hey, I guess FC just wasn't interested in our business. Either that, I just emitted the "just browsing" odor.

However, I did feel bad for one of the salespeople that was trying to make a last minute ditch effort to get my business. As I was walking out, this older dude approaches me, flips open his finely polished business card case takes out a card and scribbles something on it. While he's doing this, he's giving me a sales pitch that I don't remember much of. Trying to be the slick businessman that I am (heh), I quickly look at his card, read off the name, and say "Thanks for your time Alan. I appreciate it." After I said that, I quickly turned around and headed out the door. As I'm walking out to my car, I look down at his card, and just then notice that the name that he scribbled down was "Steve." He must have been using Alan's business card or something (but didn't cross out Alan's name). So, sorry that I wacked your name Alan, I mean Steve. :)

I can't wait until Tuesday is over. I'm getting very very tired of these silly election ads.

Tomorrow will be day 4 of my days off. Fun stuff. :)
