Hi all,
Hope you're doing well this evening.
This whole week has been spent semi-studying for my essay exam that I took yesterday. I say semi ecause I didn't really
study study until say, Wednesday evening.
Again, some things never change.So for the past few evenings, I've kind of been scrounging around for random food. Foraging is more like it. Poking through cupboards, looking in the fridge, etc. So today after work I decided to go to the one stop shopping joint and buy some food.
I broke my usual rule - I went hungry.Which was on purpose - Because on recent trips, nothing's really looked good to eat, so I end up buying nothing. Thus begins the cycle of foraging for food that is left in cupboards and the fridge.
Which explains the salsa and chips with a side of baby corn dinner I had last night.So anyway, the one gallon milk was on sale. So much on sale that it was cheaper than the half gallon. How does
that work? It's cheaper for me to buy one gallon of milk, drink half of it and throw the other half out?
Wacky.some cows are
pissed right about now.
I always feel bad about throwing food away. I don't know if it's because when we were growing up, my parents never wasted anything, or what.
Which reminds me, I have old stinky milk to properly dispose of...So anyway, fast forward to the checkout - I'm in the middle of checking out, and all of a sudden, I hear thunder that's loud enough to hear inside the store. And it's not just a soft rumbling. It was more of an angry rumbling.
So I look at my cart half full of groceries and I know I'm screwed.I swear, it was sunny when I left work today.
So I get out to the parking lot and it's seriously raining like a mofo. And it's totally dark out too. I run out to the car, throw all my groceries intoo the trunk, and get in my car. My grocery bags were all wet, and so was the trunk of my car. Just from the 5 minutes or so that it took me to open the trunk and load it up.
(Fast forward to cooking dinner)
So I notice that the new milk I bought is missing 1/4 of it's liquid...
Check the cap seal - Seal's ok. I tilt the milk over and some liquid just starts flowing out.
Son of a...So you guessed it - it's all in the trunk. Soaked through the trunk liner, the cover for the spare tire, poured onto the spare tire, into the well that holds the spare tire. It looked like a small milk moat, protecting the spare tire mount in the center.
Lovely.Not the way I wanted to spend my evening, let me tell you. I was going to just chill, cook some dinner (since I had time), and take it easy for the evening. Oh well, there's always tomorrow I guess.
So now the garage looks like my trunk exploded. It's contents are spread out all over, drying out.
On a geeky car note, my car now has 99,998 miles on the odometer. I hope to get some good pictures tomorrow.